Nutrient requirements

During pregnancy, it is essential to know not only the quantity but also the quality of meals. The demand for individual nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins) increases with my development.
Protein Protein demand during pregnancy increases by about 0.3 g / kg bw / d. The highest protein requirements increase in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy, when I am developing my most intensively.
Protein deficiencies can lead to premature birth and development disorders.
Not only the amount is important, but also the type of protein delivered. 60% of the total protein should be supplied from animal products and 40% from vegetable.
Good sources of protein are: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products: milk with 2% fat, buttermilk, kefir, natural yoghurt, semi-fat white cheese, cheese, legume seeds: beans, peas, broad beans, lentils.
REMEMBER: Add your favorite vegetables containing vitamin C to meat products, it supports the absorption of iron from the meat.
D wa times a week , replace meat with fish, including at least once a week eat oily fish the sea.
30% of the energy requirements of pregnant women should come from fats. At least 4.5% should come from unsaturated fatty acids. Your body is unable to produce them, so they should be provided with food. They affect the proper development of the eye’s retina and the central nervous system.
The sources of unsaturated fatty acids are: vegetable oils (rapeseed oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, grape seed oil, olive oil), fatty sea fish, nuts, seeds (e.g. pumpkin, sunflower).
In pregnancy, omega ‒ 3 acids are of particular importance, the source of which are mainly fatty sea fish, as well as cold-pressed linseed oil, rapeseed and soybean oil, as well as walnuts and linseed.
Animal fats provide large amounts of saturated fatty acids, which increase blood cholesterol and cause the development of atherosclerosis; in pregnancy it is recommended to limit them.
Too low consumption of fat in the diet may result in a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), while too high – the development of overweight and obesity after pregnancy.
They are the most important source of energy in the diet, their consumption should cover 55-60% of the daily energy requirement.
The most valuable are complex carbohydrates, the source of which are cereal products (wholemeal wholemeal flour, spelled flour, wholemeal bread, buckwheat, barley groats, whole grain rice, pasta). They provide not only energy, but also B vitamins, magnesium, iron, zinc and dietary fiber , which is especially important during pregnancy as it prevents the accompanying constipation. REMEMBER !: Try to eat about 8 servings of cereal products a day in the first trimester of pregnancy and 9 servings in the second and third trimesters (one serving is e.g. one slice of whole grain bread, 3 tablespoons of groats / pasta / rice, before cooking, 2 tablespoons of cereal) cereal)
Kominiarek MA, Rajan P. Nutrition Recommendations in Pregnancy and Lactation. Medical Clin- ics of North America. 2016;100(6):1199-1215. doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2016.06.004.
Gawęcki J., Hryniewiecki L., Żywienie człowieka, t. I, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2008.
Jones C., Hudson R., Knight T., Eating for Pregnancy: Your Essential Month-by-Month Nutrition Guide and Cookbook Paperback – July 2, 2019

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