Les bébés peuvent-ils manger des fruits?

Les bébés peuvent-ils manger des fruits?

Quels autres produits riches en nutriments dois-je inclure dans mon alimentation?

yes yes

Mom! Avocado is a great fruit when you start expanding my diet. It's considered one of the nutrient-dense products! This means that a small volume of it contains a lot of nutrients and calories necessary for my proper growth.


Avocado is a rich source of vitamins E, C, B, K, fiber, choline, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. It is also the only fruit rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs).

Check common questions about: Avocat

Quels sont les avantages de donner des bananes à des bébés de 6 mois?

yes yes

You can give me bananas already at 6 months old. This is a fruit which can be easily mashed and mixed with other fruits. If you want me to hold it, cut it into slices and leave some of the peel so that I could easily grab it. Yummy!


Banana is a valuable source of nutrients in my diet: magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and protein. Moreover, bananas can be a remedy for diarrhoea. They contain pectins, components of fiber, which bind water. This increases the volume of stool, and speeds up the removal of bacteria from the digestive system. Also, the nutrients found in bananas prevent water-electrolyte imbalance in diarrhoea.

Check common questions about: Banane

Quel âge dois-je donner à mon bébé des pommes tranchées?

yes, but… yes, but…

Apple is a fruit which you can give me when you start expanding my diet. You can grate it, make a mousse out of it, or give it to me whole to hold it. Remember not to give me sliced apples until I'm 10 - 12 months old. Biting off a piece of a hard fruit can make me choke. It best to steam apples or bake them in an oven to make them softer. Cut them into matchsticks so that I could hold them easily.


Apples are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, B and C vitamins. They detoxify the body from lead and mercury, and strengthen immunity. Apples are rich in insoluble fibers and aid digestion, improve metabolism. Pectins regulate intestinal peristalsis and counteract constipation.

Check common questions about: Pommes

Quels sont les avantages de donner aux bébés des morceaux de pastèque sans pépins dans le cadre de leur alimentation?

yes yes

Mom, you can give me pieces of watermelon as soon as you start expanding my diet but make sure they contain no seeds.


Watermelon is rich in vitamin A, C, B6. It helps your body stay well hydrated and is a source of mineral salts and antioxidants.

Check common questions about: Pastèque

Quels sont les avantages de manger des poires cuites à la vapeur pour les bébés?

yes yes

Steamed pear, in the form of a mousse or baked in an oven, will be an excellent addition to my diet just as soon as you start expanding it. Pears are rarely allergenic and are one of the safe and tasty fruits.


Pears are a good source of potassium that stimulates cell regeneration and supports the heart. Pears are one of the few fruits that contain iodine which affects the function of the thyroid.

Check common questions about: Poire

Quels sont les avantages de l'ajout de cerises au régime alimentaire de mon bébé au mois 7?

yes yes

Cherries and sweet cherries are fruits which you can carefully add to my diet around month 7. You don't have to peel them, just cut them in half and take out the pit.


Cherries are an excellent source of vitamin C, which perfectly supports immunity. They are also a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protein, and fats. They contain large amounts of fruit acid and pectines. They have an effect on proper mental and physical development.

Check common questions about: Cerises

Quels sont les avantages pour la santé de la grenade pour les bébés et comment puis-je m'assurer qu'ils le mangent en toute sécurité?

no no

Hold off introducing pomegranate to my diet. Its small seeds can make me choke.

Check common questions about: Grenade

Quels sont les meilleurs moments pour présenter Kiwi à un régime alimentaire d'un bébé?

yes yes

Just as with other fruits, you can introduce kiwis to my diet after month 6. Remember, exotic fruits can be allergenic. Therefore, it's best to only give me small pieces the first time. Do it in the morning and not in the evening as it will be easier to notice if an allergic reaction has occurred.


The main advantage of a kiwi fruit is that it keeps its nutritional value for a long time. Even after 6 months from picking, it contains almost 90% of the original dose of vitamin C. Kiwi pulp contains glucose, fructose, carotenes, and vitamins C, D, and B vitamins. The fruit is suitable for consumption when its skin is brown and it yields to slight pressure. If you buy hard kiwis, put them on the bottom shelf in the fridge for two days.

Check common questions about: kiwi

Quels sont les avantages de l'ajout d'abricots frais au régime alimentaire d'un bébé?

yes yes

It's best to use seasonal fruits, currently available in shops and markets, while expanding my diet. This is when they contain the most vitamins and nutrients. If you have fresh apricots at hand, add them to my diet. But peel them first and remove the pit.


Apricots contain vital vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Check common questions about: Abricot

Quels sont les principaux avantages de la consommation de fruits saisonniers et cultivés localement?

yes, but… yes, but…

Fruits shouldn't be excluded from my diet as they are a source of vitamins and minerals. It's best to use seasonal fruits, grown in our climate zone, while expanding my diet. That's when they contain the most vitamins and other nutrients. Supporting local produce guarantees that we eat healthy food without any preservatives which can be added so that fruits survive being shipped over long distances. Freezing fruits is a good way to enjoy their taste out of season. Freezing is safe and allows the products to keep all of their nutritional value.

Check common questions about: Tous types de fruits

Quels sont les avantages alimentaires de la consommation de figues fraîches et séchées?

yes yes

Figs are exotic fruits of an exceptional nutritional value. Dried figs are especially priced because they contain high levels of elements important for the functioning of the body. You can add figs to my diet both in their fresh and dried form.


Figs contain iron, potassium, and magnesium. Interestingly, 100 g of dried figs contains as much calcium as a glass of milk. They have the highest content of dietary fiber among dried fruits, so they improve intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

Check common questions about: Figues

À quel âge puis-je présenter en toute sécurité la mangue dans le régime alimentaire de mon bébé?

yes yes

Just as with other fruits, you can introduce mango to my diet after month 6. Remember, exotic fruits can be allergenic. Therefore, it's best to only give me small pieces the first time. Do it in the morning and not in the evening as it will be easier to notice if an allergic reaction has occurred.


Mango has an enormous dose of vitamin A and C. Eating mango strengthens the immune system and increases iron absorption.

Check common questions about: mangue

Quelles mesures dois-je prendre pour assurer l'introduction de la goyave au régime alimentaire de mon bébé est sûre?

yes yes

Just as with other fruits, you can introduce guava to my diet after month 6. Remember, exotic fruits can be allergenic. Therefore, it's best to only give me small pieces the first time. Do it in the morning and not in the evening as it will be easier to notice if an allergic reaction has occurred.


Guava contains vitamins C and E, polyphenols, carotenoids, isoflavonoids, and folic acid.

Check common questions about: Goyave

Quelles autres étapes saines puis-je prendre lors de l'introduction de nouvelles collations à l'alimentation de mon bébé?

yes yes

Mom, grapes are a tasty and healthy snack, but remember that these fruits are high in sugar and relatively high in calories. You can give them to me when you begin expanding my diet. They are ok for me to try on my own, but remember to cut them lengthwise and not crosswise. This reduced the risk of choking. Also, make sure you remove all the seeds.


Grapes contain vitamin C and K, folic acid, antioxidants, fiber, organic acids, and pectins. They also contain such antioxidants as flavonol, tannin, linalool, anthocyanins, and geraniol, which boost immunity and help prevent infections.

Check common questions about: Raisins

Quels sont les avantages pour la santé de l'ajout de baies au régime alimentaire d'un bébé?

yes yes

Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry

Berries can appear in my diet from the beginning. They are rich in vitamin C, so it's good to combine them with cereals (porridge, oatmeal, millet pudding). You can use frozen fruits to prepare mousse. If you want to give them to me alone, cut them lengthwise and put them in my hand.


Berries are a good source of vitamin C, healthy carbohydrates, antioxidants, fiber. Berries also contain lots of water, so they are an excellent source of hydration. Vitamin C helps with iron absorption and boosts the body’s immune system.

Check common questions about: Baies

Quelle limite de consommation légale les bébés et les mamans de l'allaitement devraient-ils suivre pour les fruits de Goji?

no no

According to studies by independent institutes in China and Thailand, goji fruits - especially the young ones - contain atropine. It is an alkaloid which is poisonous. In goji fruit it is found in small amounts far from dangerous, but its very presence is the reason to eliminate this berry from the diet of infants and breastfeeding moms!

Check common questions about: Goji baies

Quels sont les avantages d'inclure des lambeaux de noix de coco dans le régime alimentaire de mon bébé?

yes, but… yes, but…

Coconut shreds

You can gradually introduce coconut shreds to my diet, coat millet balls in them or add them to my oatmeal. Unfortunately, pieces of raw coconut can be too tough for me!

Check common questions about: Noix de coco

Quels sont les avantages pour la santé de l'introduction d'agrumes comme les oranges et les pamplemousses aux bébés après neuf mois?

yes, but… yes, but…

Lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit

Citrus fruits are one of these fruits which can cause allergies. When I've tried most seasonal and local fruits, you can then try to give me citrus fruits (around month 9 - 10). Obviously, you need to observe me and check whether any allergic reactions appear. All fruits (including organic ones), no matter their origin, need to be thoroughly washed before consumption. Citrus fruits should also be scalded in boiling water. Oranges, mandarins, and grapefruits should be cut into pieces and the pith and seeds should be removed before serving to prevent me from choking.


Vitamins in lemons strengthen blood vessels and play an important role in the immune system. Vitamin C in citrus fruits aids in iron absorption.

Check common questions about: Les agrumes

Quelles précautions dois-je prendre lors de l'introduction de fruits exotiques au régime alimentaire de mon bébé?

yes, but… yes, but…

Exotic fruits need to be thoroughly washed, briefly scalded, dried, and peeled. This needs to be done carefully because the peel can contain substances that were used for preservation during transport. Fresh fruits should be given in pieces or as an addition to desserts. They are definitely an interesting change to regular dishes. There are no scientific recommendations as to when to introduce a certain type of fruit to my diet. As with all new products, try to introduce all fruits carefully.

Check common questions about: Fruits exotiques

Quelles sont les étapes recommandées pour introduire des fruits au litchi au régime alimentaire du bébé?

yes, but… yes, but…

Mom, lychee fruits, or "Chinese plums", are sweet, white, semi-transparent balls in a pink skin. They are enticing with their look and taste but you have to be careful when giving them to me to try. These are exotic fruits which should be introduced to my diet gradually. It shouldn't be done in the beginning and not on an empty stomach.

Check common questions about: Litchi

À quel âge les bébés peuvent-ils commencer à manger des fruits de la passion?

no no

Because of small seeds inside, passion fruits shouldn't be given to an infant. I will be able to enjoy their taste only later in my life.


Passion fruit is rich in antioxidants, fibers, vitamins, minerals. It contains carotenoids, niacin, vitamine C and A, calcium, iron. You can serve it raw, as an accompaniment to milk deserts.

Check common questions about: Fruit de la passion

Que se passe-t-il si je donne à mon bébé un melon qui n'est pas mûr après le mois 8?

yes yes

You can give me melons after month 8 but make sure they're ripe. They should be reddish in places and their pulp should yield to slight pressure.


Melons are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins A, B1 and C, and minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus.

Check common questions about: Melon

Quels sont les avantages de l'introduction de pêches et d'abricots dans le régime alimentaire d'un bébé?

yes yes

Peaches and apricots can be introduced to my diet as soon as you begin expanding it because of their delicate taste, soft pulp, and digestibility. These fruits are not allergenic.


Peaches and apricots are rich in vitamins, beta-carotene, and pectins. They are a source of phenols that act like antioxidants. Additionally, peaches have an antibacterial effect.

Check common questions about: Les pêches

Quels fruits exotiques puis-je ajouter au régime alimentaire de mon bébé en toute sécurité?

yes yes

Exotic fruits can be served since you begin expanding my diet. There is no scientific proof or information that they shouldn't be given at all or that they need to be introduced in a specific month. As with all novelties, give them to me in small quantities and observe how my body reacts. Don't give me canned pineapple because most often it's dipped in sweet syrup.


Pineapples are a great source of many vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, PP. They contain a large amount of folic acid, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, and manganese.

Check common questions about: Ananas

Quels autres fruits puis-je manger lorsque j'élargis mon alimentation qui vient dans une version pelée?

yes yes

You can give me soft plums as soon as you start expanding my diet. If you're afraid that the skin is not good for me, you can peel it before serving.


Plums are rich in nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A and C.

Check common questions about: Prune

Quels autres types de nourriture les bébés devraient-ils éviter avant un an pour réduire le fardeau de leurs reins?

no no

Because of a large amount of salt in olives, don't give them to me before I turn one year old. Salt can put stress on my kidneys.

Check common questions about: Olives

Quels types de fruits secs sont sûrs à donner à un bébé?

yes yes

Dried plum, dried apricot, dried currant, dried fig, dried dates, dried cranberries

Mom, you can introduce dried fruit into my diet before I'm one! While shopping pay attention if they contain sugar, sulphur dioxide, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, palm oil, or acidity regulators. Don't buy unpackaged dried fruit because they can be a source of bacteria. Oh, and do remember that dried fruits shouldn't be a replacement for the fresh ones!


As with fresh fruits, dried ones are a good source of many nutrients, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, vitamin A and C, to name a few. A big advantage of dried fruits is their high fiber content.

Check common questions about: Fruit sec

Quel type de légumes et de fruits surgelés puis-je manger lorsque je commence à explorer une variété d'aliments?

yes yes

Mom, frozen vegetables and fruits are a great solution when you want to vary my diet and you don't have any fresh ones. You can give them to me as soon as you start expanding my diet.

Check common questions about: Fruits surgelés