Les bébés peuvent-ils manger viande?

Les bébés peuvent-ils manger viande?

Quels sont les risques de manger de la viande crue ou sous-cuite et comment les éviter?

no no

Carpaccio, tartare

Mommy! Raw meat can be contaminated with bacteria from the Listeria genus or with parasites responsible for toxoplasmosis, causing dangerous ailments and serious health issues. Therefore, please take care of my meals so that no raw, undercooked, nor rare piece of meat is found in them. It is extremely important to be careful during food preparation; please wash your hands thoroughly and pour boiling water on the dishes that had contact with raw meat.


Salmonella, Listeriosis, Toxoplasmosis

Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Viande crue

Quels sont les risques pour la santé associés à l'offre d'un bébé de viande fumée?

no no

Parma ham (Prosciutto di Parma), salmon sirloin

Smoked meat often contains too much salt. Additionally, the smoke flavouring, which is deposited on smoked meats, can be dangerous for me. That's why it's important to avoid giving me any kind of smoked products.



Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Viande fumée

Quelles sont les alternatives plus saines aux viandes de charcuterie, aux fracas et aux jambons qui peuvent être consommés de la petite enfance à l'âge un?

no no

All types of hams, lunch meat, frankfurters, hot dogs

Mom, all deli meat, frankfurters, and hams contain salt. Salt is discouraged in my diet until I'm one year old. Even when I'm older, I shouldn't often consume products containing salt.

Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Charcuterie

Quels sont les avantages potentiels pour la santé de l'intégration du foie dans le régime alimentaire d'un enfant après l'âge de 3 ans?

no no

Liver is generally considered to be healthy. It's rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein. However, it's not recommended that children under the age of 3 eat liver because it contains a lot of retinol, which is a form of vitamin A. Too much of vitamin A can be harmful for me.

Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Foie

Quels aliments puis-je nourrir mon bébé en toute sécurité pour éviter la listériose?

no no

Don't give me pâtés because it's difficult to judge the quality of meat used in their production. Additionally, pâté can contain bacteria from the Listeria genus. Listeriosis manifests itself with flu-like symptoms, a few days or even months after contact with the bacteria. Listeriosis is very dangerous for me.

Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Pâté de foie

Quelles précautions dois-je prendre lors de la préparation des aliments pour éviter la listériose?

no no

Luncheon meat, mortadella

Don't give me pâtés because it's difficult to judge the quality of meat used in their production. Additionally, pâté can contain bacteria from the Listeria genus. Listeriosis manifests itself with flu-like symptoms, a few days or even months after contact with the bacteria. Listeriosis is very dangerous for me.



Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Pate de viande

Quels sont les risques de manger de la viande crue ou insuffisante pour les bébés?

no no

Mommy! Raw meat can be contaminated with bacteria from the Listeria genus or with parasites responsible for toxoplasmosis, causing dangerous ailments and serious health issues. Therefore, please take care of my meals so that no raw, undercooked, nor rare piece of meat is found in them. It is extremely important to be careful during food preparation; please wash your hands thoroughly and pour boiling water on the dishes that had contact with raw meat.



Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Steak (moyen)

Quels sont les avantages de l'introduction de la viande dans le régime alimentaire de mon bébé?

yes yes

Mom, if you are confident the meat is well-done, you can let me try it from the very beginning of my diet expansion. Meat contains a lot of easily-absorbed iron, which is an essential mineral element in my diet.


Meat contains a lot of protein, zinc, and iron. Iron plays a key part in my development. Infants are the most susceptible to iron deficiency. Around month 6 iron, which was stored in utero in the body, starts to run out. That's why it's so important to give me iron-rich meals during the period of my diet expansion.

Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Steak bien fait)

Quels sont les risques pour la santé de nourrir mon bébé en conserve de viande en conserve avec des conservateurs et des additifs?

no no

Avoid giving me canned meat. It is not safe because it can contain a lot of preservatives and additives.

Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Viande en conserve

Quel est le risque de donner des saucisses pour nourrissons en viande de mauvaise qualité?

no no

Krakowska sausage, Zywiecka sausage

Mom, sausages are made of minced meat, so it's difficult to judge the quality of the meat. Avoid giving me sausages at least until I'm 1 year old.

Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Saucisse

Quelle est la température interne qui devrait être atteinte lors de la cuisson de la viande afin qu'elle soit bien faite?

yes yes

Meat is an important component of my diet, thus do not hesitate to serve it to me. Meat that is well-done is not pink inside. The internal temperature of roasted meat should reach around 70-85°C.


Meat is an excellent source of protein and several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, niacin, and selenium. Meat contains a lot of zinc and iron. Proteins play a key role in the construction of cells.

Vérifiez les questions courantes sur: Viande bien cuite