I bambini possono mangiare latticini?

I bambini possono mangiare latticini?

Qual è il rapporto ideale di grassi insaturi e saturi per il burro?

yes yes

Butter should be given to me in moderation. It has a slightly worse ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats than olive oil or rapeseed oil, for example. Butter should contain at least 82% of animal fats and its main ingredient should be cow's milk.


Eating cheese and dairy is important because they contain many nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which facilitate my growth and the development of my nervous system and bones.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Burro

Qual è il miglior tipo di latticini a pieno titolo per dare al mio bambino quando espande la loro dieta?

yes yes

According to guidelines, you can add a small amount of dairy when you begin expanding my diet. Remember that it should be full-fat dairy and it shouldn't contain salt or sugar. The list of ingredients on the label needs to be as short as possible. Use cream as an addition to the meal only (i.e. in soup). Use it in small quantities because it contains saturated fatty acids.


Eating cheese and dairy is important because they contain many nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which facilitate my growth and the development of my nervous system and bones.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Crema

Quali sono i vantaggi di dare il latte di mucca al mio bambino oltre alla formula o al latte materno?

yes, but… yes, but…

Cow's milk can be given to me before I turn one, but it shouldn't replace your milk or formula. It should only be used as an addition to my meals.


Eating cheese and dairy is important because they contain many nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which facilitate my growth and the development of my nervous system and bones.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Latte pastorizzato

Quali sono i pericoli di consumare prodotti non pastorizzati per i bambini?

no no

Mom, don't give me any unpasteurised products. Unpasteurised milk can be dangerous for me and it can lead to bacterial infection.



Controlla le domande comuni su: Latte non pastorizzato

Quali sono i rischi di dare il latte di capra ai bambini prima che ne trasformano uno?

no no

Mom, don't give me goat milk before I turn one. Drinking it might lead to future deficiencies in vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Latte di capra

Quali sono i potenziali rischi per la salute di dare il latte di pecora di bambini prima dell'età?

no no

Mom, don't give me sheep milk before I turn one. Drinking it might lead to future deficiencies in vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Latte di pecora

Quali sono i vantaggi di nutrire i bambini chiari e yogurt a tutto grado senza zucchero?

yes yes

Oh yes! Yoghurt is a good choice, mom! Use plain, full-fat yoghurt with no sugar and with a short list of ingredients!


Yoghurt contains protein and a lot of calcium. Protein is used to build cells in my body. It's an important ingredient for my development. It helps to build my muscles and brain. Calcium, on the other hand, guarantees a proper development of my bones.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Yogurt bianco

Quali sono le alternative più sane agli yogurt di frutta compensati dai negozi per bambini?

no no

Mom, fruit yoghurt that you can purchase in shops (even the one for children) contains a lot of sugar and therefore it shouldn't be present in my diet.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Yogurt da frutto

Quali sono alcuni dei benefici del consumo di kefir full grassi semplici senza sale o zucchero aggiunto?

yes yes

Kefir is a good source of protein! Use plain, full-fat kefir with no additional salt or sugar and with a short list of ingredients!


Kefir contains protein and a lot of calcium. Protein is used to build cells in my body. It's an important ingredient for my development. It helps to build my muscles and brain. Calcium, on the other hand, guarantees a proper development of my bones.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Kefir

Quali sono i vantaggi dell'utilizzo del latte pastorizzato per preparare il latticello?

yes yes

You can use buttermilk to prepare my meals, but remember that buttermilk needs to be made from pasteurised milk.


Eating cheese and dairy is important, because they contain many nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which facilitate my growth and the development of my nervous system and bones.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Burro di latte