I bambini possono mangiare pescare?
Pesce crudo
Pesce affumicato a freddo, pesce affumicato a caldo
Bastoncini di pesce
Grande pesce predatorio
Pesce oliminato
Quali sono i rischi di mangiare carne di pesce crudo per i bambini?
Salmon tartare
Mom, don't give me any raw products! Raw fish meat can be a source or parasites and can contain bacteria called Listeria which can cause listeriosis.
Controlla le domande comuni su: Pesce crudo
Quali sono i rischi per la salute associati al consumo di pesce affumicato per i bambini?
Mom, don't give me any raw products! Raw fish meat can be a source of parasites and can contain bacteria called Listeria which can cause listeriosis. There are harmful compounds that are created during the smoking process. This applies to both cold-smoked and hot-smoked fish. Also, smoked products contain large amounts of salt, which puts the strain on my kidneys and contributes to creating improper eating habits.
Controlla le domande comuni su: Pesce affumicato a freddo, pesce affumicato a caldo
Quali cibi dovrei mangiare quando sono un bambino per avere una dieta sana ed equilibrata?
Crab sticks
Products such as crab sticks, fish sticks, or fish cakes are often associated with children's diet but that's wrong, unfortunately! Don't add them to my diet because they are highly processed, contain food additives, preservatives, and salt. Moreover, a high content of fat in these products can contribute to gaining weight and becoming obese when I grow up.
Controlla le domande comuni su: Bastoncini di pesce
A che età i bambini dovrebbero smettere di mangiare grandi pesci predatori per evitare di accumulare sostanze dannose e metalli pesanti?
Tuna, shark, swordfish, marlin, mackerel, pike
Large predatory fish accumulate the highest amounts of harmful substances and heavy metals, such as mercury and methylmercury. Don't give them to me until I'm at least one year old.
Mercury contamination
Controlla le domande comuni su: Grande pesce predatorio
Quali cibi o gruppi alimentari dovrei mangiare come un bambino inferiore a 3 anni se non voglio consumare alti livelli di sodio?
Anchovies can be eaten fresh, dried, smoked, and salted. Because they contain a large amount of sodium there should be no place for them in my diet until I'm 3 years old.
Controlla le domande comuni su: Acciughe
Quali sono le migliori fonti di acidi grassi omega-3 per i bambini?
Herring, sardines, norwegian salmon, mackerel, trout, sprat, catfish
Mom, omega-3 fatty acids are of particular importance for the proper development of my brain and vision. Also, a serious omega-3 deficiency can lead to later cognitive and developmental disorders. Fatty acids must be supplied with the food and their main source are oily saltwater fish.
Fish provide wholesome protein, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Protein is the building block for the body and influences the development of bones, muscles, and healthy eyesight. Oily sea fish are a particularly valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the development of my brain, nervous system, and immunity. Sea fish are also a natural source of iodine in food, which is necessary to produce thyroid hormones. Consumption of iodine in proper amounts improves the cognitive functions. Fish are also a source of vitamin D, A, and B vitamins.
Controlla le domande comuni su: Pesce oliminato
Quali sono i potenziali rischi per la salute associati a dare al mio bambino un grande pesce predatorio prima che raggiungano l'età di 1?
Large predatory fish accumulate the highest amounts of harmful substances and heavy metals, such as mercury and methylmercury. Don't give them to me until I'm at least one year old.
Mercury contamination
Controlla le domande comuni su: Pertica
Quali sono i pesci più sani da mangiare a basso contenuto di contaminazione da mercurio?
Roach is a fish that is most vulnerable to mercury contamination. It should not appear in my diet. Please, choose a different kind of fish that will be better for me!
Mercury contamination
Controlla le domande comuni su: Scarafaggio
Quali sono le opzioni più sane dei pesci tra cui scegliere che contengono livelli più bassi di mercurio?
Butterfish is a fish that is most vulnerable to mercury contamination. It should not appear in my diet. Please, choose a different kind of fish that will be better for me!
Mercury contamination
Controlla le domande comuni su: Burrofish
Quali sono i tipi più sani di pesce da includere nella mia dieta anziché EAL per evitare la contaminazione da mercurio?
Eal is a fish that is most vulnerable to mercury contamination. It should not appear in my diet. Please, choose a different kind of fish that will be better for me!
Mercury contamination
Controlla le domande comuni su: Anguilla