Can I eat cereals and whole grains when pregnant?

Can I eat cereals and whole grains when pregnant?

Can I eat breakfast cereals when pregnant?

Yes Yes

Breakfast cereals should be high in fiber. This is necessary, as during your pregnancy you need to increase your intake of fiber rich food. Also, look for cereal that has high folic acid content. The cereal that you eat should also be fortified with vitamins and minerals. The sugar content in the cereal should be low. Additional sugar is not for us, mom!

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The fiber content helps prevent constipation, which is a common problem during pregnancy. Cereals are a great way to deal with hunger pangs that can occur due to the accompanying hormonal changes. Fight with your hunger healthily!

Check common questions about: Breakfast cereals

Can I eat rice when pregnant?

Yes Yes

Rice contains high amounts of carbohydrates that energize your body immediately. Therefore, rice acts as a fuel to keep you energetic and active when you are expecting.

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Rice is a rich source of vitamins such as vitamin D, riboflavin, and thiamine. Also, rice contains plenty of minerals such as calcium, iron, and fiber. Consuming rice during pregnancy ensures you have strong bones and teeth.

Check common questions about: Rice

Can I eat pasta when pregnant?

Yes Yes

Yes, you can eat pasta in moderation without any worries. Pasta is a very filling and delicious food. The best one is made of 100% whole grain.

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Whole grain pasta contains fiber and microelements. It is more filling than the standard pasta and offers various health benefits. It helps to lower blood pressure and lessens the risk of certain chronic conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Check common questions about: Pasta

Can I eat oatmeal when pregnant?

Yes Yes

Oats are a great source of carbs and fibre. They’re also exceptionally nutrient-dense with more fat and protein than most grains. Ideal as part of your pregnancy diet, mommy!

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Half a cup of oats contains around 20% of your daily iron requirement, 20% of the zinc , 11% of the folate and 39% of vitamin B1 you'll need. And all of that in just one breakfast bowl!

Check common questions about: Oatmeal

Can I eat millets when pregnant?

Yes Yes

You can eat millets during pregnancy without any worries! Preferably, millets should be eaten during the second and third trimesters.

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They contain fibre, antioxidants, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, and vitamin B. There is so much power in those little grains!

Check common questions about: Millets

Can I eat buckwheat when pregnant?

Yes Yes

Buckwheat is an important source of vitamins which influence our health, mommy!

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Buckwheat contains essential proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins help in the formation of new cells, and carbohydrates supply the body with the necessary energy.

Check common questions about: Buckwheat

Can I eat couscous when pregnant?

Yes Yes

The most important thing for you mommy is to keep your heart healthy and active. For this, you really need a good amount of selenium which is present in couscous. Selenium is one of those trace minerals which cannot be easily found in any other food items. So, pour hot water over the groats, set it aside for a while, and add it to your favorite salad or as an addition to the main course. Yummy!

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Couscous contains a good amount of vitamins and minerals such as thiamin, niacin, selenium, folic acid, manganese, etc. It also contains sodium, protein, choline, folate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and selenium, which are really essential minerals to help me grow and develop.

Check common questions about: Couscous

Can I eat quinoa when pregnant?

Yes Yes

Mommy, did you know that quinoa is one of the best superfoods and is considered a complete protein? So do remember about it if you are a vegetarian or vegan. You can add quinoa to your salad or use it as a replacement for rice.

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Quinoa is a source of many valuable vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Moreover, it has a high content of potassium and zinc, B vitamins, fiber, iron, and magnesium. Enjoy!

Check common questions about: Quinoa

Can I eat amaranth when pregnant?

Yes Yes

Amaranth seeds contain all the vitamins and amino acids you need during pregnancy! Amaranth has a low glycemic index and contains complex sugars that do not raise blood sugar levels rapidly.

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Amaranth is rich in iron, magnesium and B vitamins. Moreover, it contains a high content of potassium and zinc. It is a great source of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals which are so important during pregnancy!

Check common questions about: Amaranth

Can I eat bulgur when pregnant?

Yes Yes

Mommy, do you know that nutritional experts divide nutrients into five key food groups? It is recommended that 70% of our energy and protein needs is satisfied by healthy grains such as bulgur.

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Bulgur is high in B1 vitamins and contains folic acid which is important for the development of my nervous system.

Check common questions about: Bulgur