I bambini possono mangiare verdure?

I bambini possono mangiare verdure?

Quali sono i vantaggi di alimentare le barbabietole ai bambini?

yes yes

You can give me beets when you start expanding my diet. Baked, boiled, in pieces, blended into a pulp, any shape and form is good!


Beets can prevent anemia thanks to B vitamins which support the process of red blood cell formation. They contain particularly high levels of vitamin B9, i.e. folic acid.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Barbabietola

Quali tipi di ricette posso fare con l'aglio per il mio bambino?

yes yes

Mom, you can safely give me garlic as an addition to dishes but also alone, e.g. baked.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Aglio

Qual è la quantità ottimale di spinaci che possono essere mangiati in sicurezza dai bambini senza causare l'accumulo di ossalato di calcio?

yes, but… yes, but…

Due to the presence of oxalic acid in spinach, it is not recommended to eat it in excess. This compound, together with calcium, creates calcium oxalate which is non-digestible for the human body.


Spinach is a rich source of valuable folic acid, beta carotene, and vitamin C. Iron contained in spinach will be easily absorbed by my body, mom! We are not afraid of anemia!

Controlla le domande comuni su: Spinaci

Quali sono i nutrienti nei broccoli che aiutano i bambini a crescere?

yes yes

Mom, broccoli is a vegetable that is often given to babies in the beginning of their diet expansion. You can mush it or hand it to me directly. It's best if you steam it shortly as then it will remain green, firm, and will become tender. This way it will keep the most nutrients which will foster my growth.


Broccoli are a good vegetable source of calcium which is essential for the development of my bones and teeth.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Broccoli

Quali cibi posso mangiare quando presenterò il prezzemolo alla dieta del mio bambino?

yes yes

Parsley, just like most vegetables, can be given to me when you begin expanding my diet. Boil it, steam it, or bake it until soft, drizzle it with olive oil or linseed oil - it will be delicious!


Parsley root contains flavonoids (antioxidants which protect from dangerous diseases), mucous substances, sugar compounds, and mineral salts.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Prezzemolo (root)

Quali sono i modi migliori per cucinare i cavoletti di Bruxelles per ridurre al minimo il rischio di contaminazione con il nichel per i bambini?

yes yes

Cooked brussels sprouts can be given to me from the very beginning of my diet expansion. They can be contaminated with nickel that comes from artificial fertilizers, therefore serve them to me in small amounts. Cook them uncovered with plenty of water. If you want me to eat them by myself, cut them lengthwise so that I can grab them easily and do not choke on them.


Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin K and minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorus.

Controlla le domande comuni su: cavoletti di Bruxelles

Qual è il modo migliore per nutrire la lattuga al mio bambino per evitare il rischio di soffocare?

yes yes

Lettuce can appear on my menu since you start expanding my diet but due to the risk of choking you should give it to me well shredded or minced.


Lettuce is rich in folic acid, mineral salts, vitamins B1, B2, C and E, and fiber, which reduces the absorption of fats and sugars.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Lattuga

Quali sono le linee guida per nutrire la lattuga romaina per alimentare per ridurre al minimo il rischio di soffocamento?

yes yes

Romaine lettuce can appear on my menu since you start expanding my diet but due to the risk of choking you should give it to me well shredded or minced.


Romaine lettuce contains a lot of beta-carotene, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the eyesight and the immune system. It is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and chromium.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Lattuga romana

Quali sono i benefici per la salute dell'aggiunta di rucola triturata o tritata alla dieta del mio bambino?

yes yes

Arugula can appear on my menu since you start expanding my diet but due to the risk of choking you should give it to me well shredded or minced.


Arugula is high in iodine and has the most calcium of any lettuce.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Rucola

A che età i bambini possono iniziare a mangiare agnello tritato o tritato?

yes yes

Lamb's can appear on my menu since you start expanding my diet but due to the risk of choking you should give it to me well shredded or minced.


Lamb's lettuce contains more potassium than tomatoes! It is also rich in iron and B vitamins.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Lattuga di agnello

Quali sono i migliori metodi di cottura per il cavolo per ridurre al minimo il gonfiore quando si introducono a dieta di un bambino?

yes yes

White cabbage, savoy cabbage, red cabbage, napa cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable that can cause bloating and therefore it is not recommended to be the first vegetable to try when expanding my diet. However, after proper cooking, you can give it to me to try at a later stage.


The treasures of cabbage include calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron. It contains vitamin C, a set of B vitamins, a lot of vitamin A, a bit of vitamin E, K and rutin.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Cavolo

Quali metodi possono essere usati per rendere le lenticchie facili da digerire per il mio bambino?

yes yes

White beans, red beans, string beans, peas, chickpeas, red lentils, green lentils, fava beans

Mom, legumes are a perfect source of plant protein which my diet should not lack! Give them to me in small amounts from the beginning of my diet expansion. Red lentils, which are the easiest to digest, will be the best to start our legume adventure.


Legumes are rich in valuable plant protein and starch. They have a lot of B vitamins, including folic acid. They provide a lot of fiber that supports digestion and sweeps out the toxins.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Legumi

Perché le patate dolci fanno un'ottima scelta per i bambini da provare come primo cibo?

yes yes

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are very easy to prepare. They are cooked fast, go well with many dishes, and are often liked by infants. Let's check if I like them too :)


Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, B, and C. They are also a good source of fibre.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Patate dolci

Qual è il modo migliore per preparare le patate ai bambini?

yes yes

Potatoes are one of the vegetables that can appear in my diet as soon as you start expanding it (avoid fries and frying them in general). Remember not to add salt to the water you boil them in.


Boiled or steamed potatoes contain valuable nutrients - vitamins and minerals found in potatoes will have a positive effect on the functioning of my body.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Patate

Quali sono i vantaggi di servire i peperoni crudi ai bambini mentre si sviluppano le loro capacità di espansione della dieta?

yes yes

Green pepper, yellow pepper, orange pepper, red pepper

Bell peppers need to well-cooked, stewed, roasted, blended or grated thoroughly if you want to give them to me in the beginning of diet expansion. As I grow and my skills develop, you may serve them to me raw and observe me carefully when I consume them.


Compared to other colours of peppers, red peppers are higher in fiber, contain more vitamin C, and are higher in beta carotene, too.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Pepe a campana

Quali sono i vantaggi di nutrire i pomodori sbucciati e come posso prepararli al meglio?

yes yes

Raspberry tomato, plum tomato, Roma tomato, pepper tomato

Tomatoes can be introduced to my diet from the beginning, but it's important to peel them first. If you want to give me a tomato to eat alone, then cut it into quarters so that I can hold it well.


Tomatoes contain large amounts of lycopene, an antioxidant which protects cells from damage and helps fight free radicals.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Pomodoro

Qual è il modo corretto per tagliare i pomodorini per i bambini per evitare di soffocare?

yes yes

Cherry tomato

Cherry tomatoes should be cut lengthwise in order to reduce the risk of choking.


Tomatoes contain large amounts of lycopene, an antioxidant which protects cells from damage and helps fight free radicals.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Pomodoro

Quali sono le implicazioni per la salute dell'introduzione di pomodori secchi a dieta di un bambino prima di compiere un anno?

no no

Dried tomatoes contain a lot of salt and therefore they should not be introduced to my diet before I turn one year old.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Pomodori essiccati al sole

A che età può piacerti ai bambini gli asparagi?

yes yes

Green asparagus, yellow asparagus, white asparagus

Mom, you can already give me asparagus at 8 months old. Green asparagus would be the best - there's no need to peel them and they also have the most delicate flavour of all the other available kinds.


Asparagus is a rich source of vitamin B9, B complex, K, C and A. Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, plays an essential role in my proper development.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Asparago

Qual è il rischio di servire i germogli per il mio bambino prima che la sua dieta sia estesa?

yes, but… yes, but…

Alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, onion sprouts, sunflower sprouts, clover sprouts, radish sprouts, snowpea sprouts, mung bean sprouts, soybean sprouts

Serving sprouts while my diet is being extended is not safe. Here's why, mommy - bacteria, including Salmonella, Listeria and E. Coli may penetrate sprout seeds through shell fractures. After the bacteria enter the seed, they keep on growing under the same warm and moist conditions as the sprouts do, which poses a huge health risk for me. Sprouts are recommended to be served only after thermal processing, e.g. cooking.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Germogli

Quali sono i benefici del consumo di ravanelli grattugiati in una miscela di formaggio cottage per i bambini?

yes, but… yes, but…

Raw radish is too hard for me to eat it by myself. You can grate it, mix it with cottage cheese, and serve it to me at a later stage of my diet expansion, when I'm already used to the taste of other vegetables.


Radish contains a host of important vitamins and minerals such as potassium, folic acid, calcium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, B-vitamins, zinc, and manganese. When it comes to children, radish has antifungal and cholagogic properties. It also stimulates appetite and improves digestion.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Ravanello

A che età i bambini possono iniziare a mangiare zucca e quali sono i benefici del consumo di zucca in stagione?

yes yes

You can give me pumpkin when you start expanding my diet! It's a delicious vegetable which tastes best when it's in season!


Pumpkin should not be missing from my menu! It contains B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin A, like carrots, but pumpkin does not accumulate pesticides, so it is safe.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Zucca

Quali sono i benefici per la salute delle carote alimentari per i neonati?

yes yes

Have you been thinking which vegetable would be best to start the adventure with my diet expansion? Most moms choose carrots because of their valuable properties and the ease of preparation.


Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Carota

Quali sono i benefici per la salute del mangiare cavolfiore per i bambini?

yes yes

Mom, I can munch on cauliflower right from the beginning of my adventure with new flavors. Steam it, hand me its separated florets, or just turn it into a nutritious soup.


Cauliflower is rich in many nutrients. It's a treasure trove of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and iodine and fluorine which are rarely found in nature.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Cavolfiore

Quali sono i rischi coinvolti nel servizio del mais in scatola?

yes, but… yes, but…

Corn, in the form of corn grits, can be given to me from the beginning of my diet expansion. Avoid serving me corn grains (there is a risk of choking) and canned corn (due to the presence of salt).


Corn has a high nutritional value. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, pro-vitamin A, vitamin E, potassium (300 mg for 100 g), magnessium, and phosphorus. It contains small amounts of protein.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Mais

Quali sono i vantaggi dell'aggiunta di Coomgettes alla dieta di un bambino?

yes yes

Mom, courgette is an excellent choice to start expanding my diet and discover new tastes!


Courgette contains potassium, iron, and magnesium, as well as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin PP, vitamin B1, and beta carotene.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Gambia

Quali sono i vantaggi della fusione o della griglia del cetriolo grezzo prima del consumo?

yes, but… yes, but…

Raw cucumber can make me choke. Grate it or blend with other vegetables. Then, it will be safe for me to try what it tastes like.


Cucumbers are not record holders when it comes to vitamins. They do contain vitamin A, K, and B vitamins (B1, B3, and B6) but not in large quantities. Cucumber is 98% water.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Cetriolo

Quali sono i benefici per la salute di includere il cavolo nella dieta del mio bambino?

yes yes

Kale is a vegetable which has excellent nutritional properties! If you want to give it to me, blend it thoroughly into a green smoothie!


Kale is an excellent source of iron as it has even more iron than beef. It is rich in vitamin K, A, C, and has a lot of calcium and antioxidants. So eat it to be healthy!

Controlla le domande comuni su: cavolo

Quali sono i benefici della torrefazione o bollendo il kohlrabi che i bambini possono mangiare?

yes yes

Kohlrabi is a vegetable that needs to be roasted or boiled to make it softer and safe for me to eat!


Kohlrabi is an excellent source of vitamin A. It provides biotin, which guarantees healthy hair, and vitamin PP, which makes the skin look beautiful, preventing blemishes. Kohlrabi is a source of potassium, iron, as well as magnesium and manganese which is responsible for good mood.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Kohlrabi

Qual è il modo migliore per includere il porro nella dieta del mio bambino?

yes yes

Due to its specific, spicy taste, leek can appear in my diet after you've introduced most other vegetables to it. Add it to soups, vegetable pâtés, or sauces.


Leek provides more iron than beetroot and almost as much as young beet leaves!

Controlla le domande comuni su: Porro

Quali sono i benefici nutrizionali delle cipolle per i bambini?

yes yes

You don't have to be afraid of giving me onions! They can be added to dishes, spreads, sauces, or even served alone (e.g. after boiling).


Onion is rich in anti-microbial substances, vitamin C, other vitamins, and microelements. Consuming onion increases body's resistance to diseases (it's rich in sulphur) and slighly decreases elevated blood pressure.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Cipolla

Quali verdure e frutta dovrei mangiare quando l'unico cibo che ho sono congelati?

yes yes

Mom, frozen vegetables and fruits are an excellent solution when you don't have fresh ones at hand. You can give them to me as soon as you start expanding my diet.

Controlla le domande comuni su: Verdure congelate