Your Comprehensive Guide to Being 27 Weeks Pregnant: Baby's Growth, Maternal Changes, and What to Expect

Reviewed by: HiMommy Expert Board


5 min read


Mar 27, 2025

If you're 27 weeks pregnant, congratulations! You're about to close the chapter on your second trimester and embark on the journey into your third and final trimester. This week brings numerous transformative changes, both for you and your growing baby. Let's explore what being 27 weeks pregnant encompasses, from the size and development of your baby, to changes in your body, weight gain considerations, and crucial advice for maintaining optimal health.

Understanding the Size of Your Baby at 27 Weeks

Entering your 27th week of pregnancy, your baby is growing more each day. At this point, the size of your baby is comparable to a head of lettuce. In more concrete terms, the average fetus at 27 weeks measures about 14.4 inches long from head to heel.

In terms of weight, your baby is gaining steadily, tipping the scales at approximately 1.93 pounds or 875 grams. It's essential to remember that these figures are averages - babies can be slightly smaller or larger and still be perfectly healthy. Your healthcare provider can provide detailed insight into your baby's size and growth patterns.

Embarking on the Third Trimester: A Period of Rapid Growth

The 27th week of pregnancy typically marks the commencement of the third trimester. This milestone signifies the final stretch of your pregnancy journey. During the third trimester, your baby will undergo significant growth and maturation, particularly in brain development.

It's also a time of change for expecting mothers. Your body will continue to evolve to accommodate your growing baby. Though you might experience some discomfort due to these changes, this period is also filled with excitement as you get closer to meeting your little one.

Weight Gain at 27 Weeks: What to Expect

Weight gain during pregnancy is both natural and necessary to support your baby's development. The question of how much weight you should gain during pregnancy is influenced by several factors, including your pre-pregnancy weight and whether you're carrying multiples.

On average, by the 27th week, women may have gained anywhere between 15 to 30 pounds. However, these numbers can vary significantly. Regular consultations with your healthcare provider will help ensure your weight gain is on track, providing the best environment for your baby's development.

Baby's Brain Development: Significant Strides at 27 Weeks

The 27-week mark is a crucial period for your baby's brain development. This essential organ is maturing at a rapid rate, growing more intricate with each passing day. Neurons are beginning to form connections essential for future cognitive and motor functions.

The brain at 27 weeks shows increased activity, and the neural network development continues to be complex. As a result, your baby can now perceive and respond to conditions within and outside your womb. A healthy, nutrient-rich diet is crucial during this time, as it directly supports brain development and overall fetal growth.

Physical Changes in Mother's Body at 27 Weeks

As your baby grows, your body responds to accommodate these changes. Around the 27th week, your uterus will be about the size of a basketball. You might notice your belly button popping out due to the expanding abdomen.

Your body is producing more blood to supply nutrients to your baby, and this may cause the veins in your body, particularly on your abdomen and legs, to become more visible. Some women also experience changes in skin pigmentation, with darkened patches appearing, often referred to as the "mask of pregnancy."

Common Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 27

Every woman's pregnancy journey is unique, and the symptoms experienced can vary. However, there are several common physical symptoms you might experience at 27 weeks. These include:

Backache: As your baby grows and your uterus expands, it places pressure on your back, leading to backaches. Maintaining good posture and using supportive cushions can alleviate discomfort.

Indigestion and Heartburn: Pregnancy hormones can slow down your digestive process, leading to indigestion. Consuming small, frequent meals instead of large ones can help manage this.

Shortness of Breath: As your uterus expands, it pushes against your lungs, leaving less space for them to expand fully. This can lead to shortness of breath.

Frequent Urination: The growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder, leading to increased urination.

Swelling: Also known as edema, swelling in the feet and ankles is common due to the extra blood and fluid your body is producing.

Braxton Hicks Contractions: These "practice" contractions can start to occur more frequently. However, if these contractions become regular or painful, contact your healthcare provider immediately as this could be a sign of preterm labor.

Sleep Disturbances: Increased size, backache, and baby's movements can disrupt your sleep patterns. Use pillows for support and try different sleeping positions.

While experiencing discomfort is normal, any severe pain or complications should be reported to your healthcare provider immediately.

Emotional Changes and Mental Health at 27 Weeks

Besides the physical changes, pregnancy often brings a range of emotional changes. Hormonal shifts can impact your mood, causing fluctuations that might be surprising. It's also normal to experience anxiety or worry about childbirth and parenthood.

Pregnancy can also affect your mental health. Some women experience depression during pregnancy, known as prenatal depression. If you're feeling persistently sad, hopeless, or have lost interest in activities you usually enjoy, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional.

Healthy Habits at 27 Weeks Pregnant

Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is vital during the 27th week of pregnancy. A diet rich in essential nutrients like folic acid, calcium, iron, and protein supports your baby's growth. Regular exercise, with your doctor's approval, can also help manage pregnancy symptoms.

Remember, it's also essential to stay hydrated, rest when you can, and reduce stress where possible. If you're a smoker, it's crucial to quit, and alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy.

Understanding Your Baby's Movements at 27 Weeks

At 27 weeks, your baby is becoming increasingly active. You may notice kicks, jabs, rolls, and even hiccups. These movements are a reassuring sign of your baby's development and well-being. It's normal for each baby to have its own pattern of activity, and you'll soon become familiar with what's typical for your baby. However, if there's a significant decrease in your baby's movements, it's important to seek medical advice promptly.

Nutrition Tips for the 27th Week

A balanced diet is key for both your health and your baby's growth during the 27th week of pregnancy. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your meals. Focus on foods rich in calcium for your baby's bone development, iron to prevent anemia, and omega-3 fatty acids for your baby's brain and eye development. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Exercise and Physical Activity at 27 Weeks

Maintaining an active lifestyle during the 27th week of pregnancy can benefit both you and your baby. It can help manage weight gain, improve mood, and prepare your body for childbirth. Activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are generally safe and effective. However, always consult your healthcare provider before starting or continuing an exercise routine during pregnancy.

Planning for Maternity Leave

Now is a good time to start thinking about maternity leave. Each workplace has different policies, so familiarize yourself with yours and decide on the best time to start your leave. Consider factors like your health, job demands, and the advice of your healthcare provider. Communicate your plans to your employer in advance to ensure a smooth transition.

Preparing for Childbirth: What to Learn and Do at 27 Weeks

In preparation for childbirth, you may want to enroll in childbirth education classes. These can provide valuable information on labor, delivery, pain management options, and newborn care. Start creating your birth plan, outlining your preferences for labor and delivery. Also, familiarize yourself with the signs of preterm labor, such as regular contractions, pelvic pressure, low backache, and changes in vaginal discharge.

Baby Shopping: Essential Items to Consider at 27 Weeks

Start compiling a list of essential baby items you'll need. This may include a car seat, crib, baby clothes, diapers, and baby care products. Consider what you'll need for feeding, whether you plan to breastfeed or formula-feed. Don't forget items for the nursery and travel gear like a stroller and diaper bag. Read reviews, get recommendations, and shop around for the best products that suit your needs and budget.

Looking After Your Mental Health

Pregnancy can bring a mix of emotions, and it's normal to experience mood swings. However, persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or lack of interest in activities you usually enjoy may indicate a more serious issue like prenatal depression. If you're experiencing these or other concerning symptoms, reach out to a healthcare professional. There's help available, and you don't have to face these feelings alone.

Partner's Role at 27 Weeks

The support of a partner can be invaluable at the 27th week of pregnancy. Partners can help by attending prenatal appointments, helping with baby shopping, and preparing the home for the baby's arrival. Emotional support is also crucial. Encourage communication, provide reassurance, and share in the joy and anticipation of welcoming your new baby.

Each of these topics provides essential information for navigating the 27th week of pregnancy, equipping you with knowledge and strategies to enjoy this exciting time.

The Importance of Regular Prenatal Check-ups

Discuss the necessity of regular prenatal check-ups, what to expect during these appointments, and how they help ensure the health of both the mother and baby. Explain the tests or screenings typically performed at this stage of pregnancy.

Getting Ready for Baby: Setting Up the Nursery

Provide tips on how to start setting up the nursery at 27 weeks pregnant. Include ideas for essential items, safety considerations, and suggestions for making the space comfortable and functional for both the baby and parents.

Conclusion: Cherishing Your 27th Week of Pregnancy

Being 27 weeks pregnant is a significant milestone on your journey to motherhood. With each passing week, you're one step closer to meeting your little one. Though this period may bring certain discomforts, it's also filled with joy and anticipation.

So as you navigate this crucial time, remember to look after yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Embrace the changes, stay informed, and cherish each moment. Your baby's arrival isn't too far away!

Keywords: 27 weeks pregnant, size of baby at 27 weeks, third trimester, weight gain at 27 weeks, baby's brain at 27 weeks, pregnancy symptoms at week 27, pregnancy journey.

How big is my baby at 27 weeks? At 27 weeks, the average baby measures about 14.4 inches long from head to heel and weighs about 1.93 pounds, similar to the size of a head of lettuce.

What symptoms should I expect at 27 weeks pregnant? Common symptoms at this stage include backaches, shortness of breath, frequent urination, swelling in the feet and ankles, heartburn, indigestion, and Braxton Hicks contractions. Sleep disturbances due to discomfort and the baby's movements are also common.

How much weight should I have gained at 27 weeks pregnant? Typically, weight gain by the 27th week of pregnancy ranges from 15 to 30 pounds. However, the appropriate weight gain can vary based on your pre-pregnancy weight and whether you're carrying multiples.

What changes are happening to my baby's brain at 27 weeks? At 27 weeks, your baby's brain is growing rapidly and becoming more complex. Neurons are forming connections essential for future cognitive and motor functions. The baby can now perceive and respond to conditions within and outside your womb.

Is it normal to feel my baby move a lot? Yes, you might start to feel your baby moving more frequently at 27 weeks as they grow and become more active. These movements can include kicks, jabs, and rolls.

I'm feeling a lot of contractions. Should I be worried? You may experience Braxton Hicks contractions at this stage, often referred to as "practice" contractions. However, if these contractions become regular, increase in intensity, or are accompanied by other signs of labor such as a backache, pelvic pressure, or increased discharge, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately as it may be a sign of preterm labor.

What should I be eating at 27 weeks pregnant? A balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods is important for your baby's growth. Ensure you're consuming adequate amounts of folic acid, calcium, iron, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

What tests or check-ups should I have at 27 weeks pregnant? Around this time, your healthcare provider may perform glucose screening tests to check for gestational diabetes. You'll also have regular prenatal check-ups to monitor your baby's growth and your health.

Is it unsafe to stand for long periods at 27 weeks pregnant? During pregnancy, especially in the later stages like the 27th week, it's generally recommended to avoid standing for long periods. This is because prolonged standing can lead to increased pressure on the veins in your legs, causing them to swell or even leading to varicose veins. It can also cause back pain, swelling in the feet and ankles, and increase the risk of fainting due to a drop in blood pressure. Make sure to take regular breaks to sit or lie down, and when standing, shift your weight from one foot to another to promote blood flow.

What does "home stretch" mean in terms of pregnancy? The term "home stretch" in pregnancy generally refers to the third trimester, which begins around the 27th week. This is the final phase of the pregnancy journey, leading up to the delivery of the baby. It's often a time of anticipation and preparation for childbirth and the arrival of the new baby.

Why is my belly growing so much at 27 weeks pregnant? At 27 weeks, your baby is growing rapidly, which means your belly needs to expand to accommodate this growth. Your uterus is also increasing in size and pushes against your abdominal wall, making your belly appear larger. It's normal for your belly to grow throughout your pregnancy, but if you're concerned about your size or rate of growth, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider.

What is the dark vertical line appearing on my belly? The dark vertical line appearing on your belly is known as the linea nigra, which is Latin for 'black line'. This line runs from your navel to your pubic bone. It appears due to hormonal changes during pregnancy which can lead to hyperpigmentation. The line is usually more noticeable in darker-skinned women and tends to fade after delivery.

Why are my gums bleeding more during pregnancy? Bleeding gums during pregnancy, known as pregnancy gingivitis, is a common issue caused by hormonal changes that increase the blood flow to your gums. This can make your gums more sensitive, causing them to bleed when you brush or floss. Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during this time. If you have persistent issues with bleeding gums or any other dental concerns, it's important to consult your dentist.

What changes are happening with my baby's muscle tone at 27 weeks? By the 27th week, your baby's muscle tone is developing and improving. Your baby is more active now, moving around, stretching, and even hiccuping. This muscle development is an important part of motor skill development.

How are my baby's lungs developing at 27 weeks? At 27 weeks, your baby's lungs are continuing to mature. While the lungs are not fully developed, they are making important progress. The branches of the main lung are forming and the cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate, are maturing. This is crucial for breathing outside the womb. It's important to note that while babies born at 27 weeks often require support for breathing, most can survive with appropriate neonatal care.

Are you 7 months at 27 weeks? Pregnancy is typically counted in weeks, not months, because it provides a more precise duration of gestation. However, if you're converting weeks into months, 27 weeks of pregnancy falls within the seventh month. Remember that pregnancy usually lasts about nine months or 40 weeks, and the calculation is not as straightforward as dividing by 4, because most months have more than exactly 4 weeks.

Is 27 weeks pregnant the 3rd trimester? Yes, the 27th week of pregnancy usually marks the start of the third trimester. This final stage of pregnancy lasts from week 27 through the end of pregnancy (typically around week 40). This is a period of significant growth and development for your baby.

When does the 3rd trimester start? The third trimester begins in the 27th week of pregnancy. This trimester is marked by significant growth in the baby's size and weight as it prepares for life outside the womb.

What should I avoid at 27 weeks pregnant? There are several things you should avoid during the 27th week of pregnancy, including:

Poor Nutrition: A balanced diet is essential for your health and the development of your baby. Avoid consuming too much caffeine, refined sugars, processed foods, and empty calories.

Alcohol and Smoking: Alcohol and smoking can negatively affect your baby's development. It's important to avoid these substances entirely during pregnancy.

Certain Medications: Some medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can be harmful during pregnancy. Always consult with your healthcare provider before taking any new medication.

Excessive Physical Strain: Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous physical activities that could potentially harm you or your baby.

Unpasteurized Food Products: These can contain harmful bacteria, like Listeria, that can lead to foodborne illnesses.

High-Mercury Fish: High levels of mercury can harm a baby's developing nervous system. Avoid fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish.

Stress: High levels of stress can affect your health and your baby's development. Try to incorporate stress-relieving activities into your routine, like light exercise, prenatal yoga, meditation, or reading.

Remember, it's important to communicate openly with your healthcare provider and share any concerns or questions you may have about your pregnancy. They're there to support you and ensure you have the healthiest pregnancy possible.