Comparing Your Baby's Size to Animals: A Delightful Guide to Fetal Development

Reviewed by: HiMommy Expert Board


5 min read


Mar 27, 2025

Pregnancy is an incredible journey, and one of the most fascinating aspects is observing your baby's growth and development. While it's helpful to track your baby's size in terms of length and weight, it can be even more enjoyable to compare your little one's size to animals. In this article, we'll explore a delightful guide to fetal development, comparing your baby's size to various animals throughout the weeks of your pregnancy based on the information provided.

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Week 4: A protozoan (0.39 cm, 0.15 inches) At 4 weeks, your baby is about the size of a protozoan, measuring approximately 0.39 cm (0.15 inches) in length.

Week 5: A fruit fly (0.79 cm, 0.31 inches) By 5 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a fruit fly, measuring around 0.79 cm (0.31 inches) in length.

Week 6: An ant (1.04 cm, 0.41 inches) At 6 weeks, your baby measures approximately 1.04 cm (0.41 inches) in length, similar in size to an ant.

Week 7: A ladybug (1.27 cm, 0.5 inches) At 7 weeks, your baby is about the size of a ladybug, measuring approximately 1.27 cm (0.5 inches) in length.

Week 8: A baby snail (1.57 cm, 20 grams, 0.62 inches, 0.71 ounces) By 8 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a baby snail, measuring 1.57 cm (0.62 inches) in length and weighing around 20 grams (0.71 ounces).

Week 9: A large bumblebee (2.30 cm, 27 grams, 0.91 inches, 0.95 ounces) At 9 weeks, your baby measures approximately 2.30 cm (0.91 inches) in length and weighs about 27 grams (0.95 ounces), similar in size to a large bumblebee.

Week 10: A small butterfly (3.1 cm, 35 grams, 1.22 inches, 1.23 ounces) By 10 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a small butterfly, measuring 3.1 cm (1.22 inches) in length and weighing around 35 grams (1.23 ounces).

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Week 11: A tree frog (4.1 cm, 45 grams, 1.61 inches, 1.59 ounces) At 11 weeks, your baby measures approximately 4.1 cm (1.61 inches) in length and weighs about 45 grams (1.59 ounces), similar in size to a tree frog.

Week 12: A sparrow (5.4 cm, 58 grams, 2.13 inches, 2.05 ounces) By 12 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a sparrow, measuring 5.4 cm (2.13 inches) in length and weighing around 58 grams (2.05 ounces).

Week 13: A kiwi bird (9.2 cm, 68 grams, 3.62 inches, 2.4 ounces) At 13 weeks, your baby measures approximately 9.2 cm (3.62 inches) in length and weighs about 68 grams (2.4 ounces), similar in size to a kiwi bird.
Week 14: A hamster (14.7 cm, 93 grams, 5.79 inches, 3.28 ounces) At 14 weeks, your baby is about the size of a hamster, measuring 14.7 cm (5.79 inches) in length and weighing approximately 93 grams (3.28 ounces).

Week 15: A pygmy hedgehog (13.3 cm, 100 grams, 5.2 inches, 3.5 ounces) By 15 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a pygmy hedgehog, measuring around 13.3 cm (5.2 inches) in length and weighing approximately 100 grams (3.5 ounces).

Week 16: A sugar glider (18.6 cm, 146 grams, 7.32 inches, 5.15 ounces) At 16 weeks, your baby measures approximately 18.6 cm (7.32 inches) in length and weighs around 146 grams (5.15 ounces), similar in size to a sugar glider.

Week 17: A chipmunk (20.4 cm, 181 grams, 8.03 inches, 6.38 ounces) By 17 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a chipmunk, measuring 20.4 cm (8.03 inches) in length and weighing about 181 grams (6.38 ounces).

Week 18: A squirrel (22.2 cm, 223 grams, 8.74 inches, 7.87 ounces) At 18 weeks, your baby measures approximately 22.2 cm (8.74 inches) in length and weighs around 223 grams (7.87 ounces), similar in size to a squirrel.

Week 19: A guinea pig (24.0 cm, 273 grams, 9.45 inches, 9.63 ounces) By 19 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a guinea pig, measuring 24.0 cm (9.45 inches) in length and weighing about 273 grams (9.63 ounces).

Week 20: A prairie dog (25.7 cm, 331 grams, 10.12 inches, 11.68 ounces) At 20 weeks, your baby measures approximately 25.7 cm (10.12 inches) in length and weighs around 331 grams (11.68 ounces), similar in size to a prairie dog.

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Week 21: A hedgehog (27.4 cm, 399 grams, 10.79 inches, 14.07 ounces) By 21 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a hedgehog, measuring 27.4 cm (10.79 inches) in length and weighing about 399 grams (14.07 ounces).

Week 22: A rabbit (29.0 cm, 478 grams, 11.42 inches, 1.05 pounds) At 22 weeks, your baby measures approximately 29.0 cm (11.42 inches) in length and weighs around 478 grams (1.05 pounds), similar in size to a rabbit.

Week 23: A ferret (30.6 cm, 568 grams, 12.05 inches, 1.25 pounds) By 23 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a ferret, measuring 30.6 cm (12.05 inches) in length and weighing about 568 grams (1.25 pounds).

Week 24: A red fox cub (35.6 cm, 1.3 kg, 14 inches, 2.87 pounds)
At 24 weeks, your baby measures approximately 35.6 cm (14 inches) in length and weighs around 1.3 kg (2.87 pounds), similar in size to a red fox cub.

Week 25: A chinchilla (33.7 cm, 785 grams, 13.27 inches, 1.73 pounds) By 25 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a chinchilla, measuring 33.7 cm (13.27 inches) in length and weighing about 785 grams (1.73 pounds).

Week 26: A prairie chicken (35.1 cm, 913 grams, 13.82 inches, 2.01 pounds) At 26 weeks, your baby measures approximately 35.1 cm (13.82 inches) in length and weighs around 913 grams (2.01 pounds), similar in size to a prairie chicken.

Week 27: A small penguin (36.6 cm, 1055 grams, 14.41 inches, 2.33 pounds) At 27 weeks, your baby is about the size of a small penguin, measuring approximately 36.6 cm (14.41 inches) in length and weighing around 1055 grams (2.33 pounds).

Week 28: A koala joey (37.6 cm, 1210 grams, 14.80 inches, 2.67 pounds) At 28 weeks, your baby measures approximately 37.6 cm (14.80 inches) in length and weighs around 1210 grams (2.67 pounds), similar in size to a koala joey.

Week 29: A platypus (39.3 cm, 1379 grams, 15.47 inches, 3.04 pounds) By 29 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a platypus, measuring 39.3 cm (15.47 inches) in length and weighing about 1379 grams (3.04 pounds).

Week 30: A fennec fox (40.5 cm, 1559 grams, 15.95 inches, 3.44 pounds) At 30 weeks, your baby measures approximately 40.5 cm (15.95 inches) in length and weighs around 1559 grams (3.44 pounds), similar in size to a fennec fox.

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Week 31: A small otter (41.8 cm, 1751 grams, 16.46 inches, 3.86 pounds) By 31 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a small otter, measuring 41.8 cm (16.46 inches) in length and weighing about 1751 grams (3.86 pounds).

Week 32: A small raccoon (43.0 cm, 1953 grams, 16.93 inches, 4.30 pounds) At 32 weeks, your baby measures approximately 43.0 cm (16.93 inches) in length and weighs around 1953 grams (4.30 pounds), similar in size to a small raccoon.

Week 33: A little red panda (44.1 cm, 2162 grams, 17.36 inches, 4.77 pounds) By 33 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a little red panda, measuring 44.1 cm (17.36 inches) in length and weighing about 2162 grams (4.77 pounds).

Week 34: A baby kangaroo (48.0 cm, 2750 grams, 18.90 inches, 6.06 pounds) At 34 weeks, your baby measures approximately 48.0 cm (18.90 inches) in length and weighs around 2750 grams (6.06 pounds), similar in size to a baby kangaroo.

Week 35: A dwarf rabbit (46.3 cm, 2595 grams, 18.23 inches, 5.72 pounds) By 35 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a dwarf rabbit, measuring 46.3 cm (18.23 inches) in length and weighing about 2595 grams (5.72 pounds).

Week 36: A small housecat (47.3 cm, 2813 grams, 18.62 inches, 6.20 pounds) At 36 weeks, your baby measures approximately 47.3 cm (18.62 inches) in length and weighs around 2813 grams (6.20 pounds), similar in size to a small housecat.

Week 37: A small armadillo (48.3 cm, 3028 grams, 19.02 inches, 6.68 pounds) By 37 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a small armadillo, measuring 48.3 cm (19.02 inches) in length and weighing about 3028 grams (6.68 pounds).

Week 38: A squirrel monkey (49.3 cm, 3236 grams, 19.41 inches, 7.13 pounds) At 38 weeks, your baby measures approximately 49.3 cm (19.41 inches) in length and weighs around 3236 grams (7.13 pounds), similar in size to a squirrel monkey.

Week 39: A large housecat (50.1 cm, 3435 grams, 19.72 inches, 7.57 pounds) By 39 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a large housecat, measuring 50.1 cm (19.72 inches) in length and weighing about 3435 grams (7.57 pounds).

Week 40: A newborn seal (52.0 cm, 3800 grams, 20.47 inches, 8.38 pounds) At 40 weeks, your baby measures approximately 52.0 cm (20.47 inches) in length and weighs around 3800 grams (8.38 pounds), similar in size to a newborn seal.

Week 41: A small beaver (51.8 cm, 3787 grams, 20.39 inches, 8.35 pounds) By 41 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a small beaver, measuring 51.8 cm (20.39 inches) in length and weighing about 3787 grams (8.35 pounds).

This comprehensive guide to your baby's growth and development throughout pregnancy provides a fun and engaging way to track their progress. Comparing your baby to sweet animals adds a touch of joy to the process, making it more memorable and exciting. As you watch your little one grow from a tiny protozoan to a small beaver, you can look forward to the day when you finally get to hold them in your arms.

Experience your baby's growth in a whole new way with our app. You can see their size each week, compared to fruits and animals, and even track your contractions when the time comes.

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