Exploring Baby Growth Through Everyday Objects

Reviewed by: HiMommy Expert Board
5 min read
Mar 27, 2025
Pregnancy is a miraculous journey that involves the development of a tiny human being inside a mother’s womb. For expectant parents, understanding the size and growth of their baby is both fascinating and awe-inspiring. One creative way to comprehend the rapid changes during pregnancy is by comparing the baby’s size to everyday objects. In this article, we will explore the dimensions of a growing fetus from weeks 4 to 41 and relate them to familiar items, providing a unique perspective on the wonders of life.
Child Size in the First Trimester
Week 4: Pinhead (0.39 cm)
At the beginning of the fourth week, the baby is incredibly small, measuring just 0.39 cm – roughly the size of a pinhead. During this early stage, the baby's cells are multiplying rapidly, setting the foundation for the vital organs and body systems.
Week 5: Small Button Battery (0.79 cm)
By the fifth week, the baby has grown to about 0.79 cm, similar in size to a small button battery. At this point, the baby's heart begins to beat, and the neural tube, which eventually forms the brain and spinal cord, starts to develop.
Week 6: LEGO Brick (1.04 cm)
Imagine a LEGO brick, and you'll have an idea of the baby’s size at week six, measuring around 1.04 cm. During this period, limb buds start to emerge, and facial features, such as eyes and ears, begin to form, marking the early stages of human resemblance.
Week 7: Micro Dice (1.27 cm)
At seven weeks, the baby grows to approximately 1.27 cm, akin to the size of a micro dice. By this time, the baby's brain is rapidly developing, and tiny fingers and toes are becoming distinguishable.
Week 8: Ping Pong Ball (1.57 cm)
By the eighth week, the baby is about 1.57 cm in size, similar to a ping pong ball. This stage is marked by the formation of essential organs, including the kidneys, liver, and lungs. The baby's movements, although imperceptible to the mother, begin during this period.
Week 9: Eraser (2.30 cm)
Entering the ninth week, the baby grows to around 2.30 cm, comparable to the size of an eraser. At this stage, the baby’s facial features become more defined, and joints and muscles allow for slight movements, though the mother may not feel them yet.
Week 10: Golf Tee (3.1 cm)
At ten weeks, the baby measures approximately 3.1 cm, similar to the length of a golf tee. During this time, the baby transitions from the embryonic stage to the fetal stage, and vital organs continue to mature and develop.
Week 11: AA Battery (4.1 cm)
At week 11, your baby is about 4.1 cm in size, akin to an AA battery. The baby's vital organs are rapidly developing, and the tiny heart is now pumping blood to sustain life.
Week 12: Lighter (5.4 cm)
By week 12, your baby has grown to about 5.4 cm, similar in size to a lighter. During this period, the baby’s facial features become more distinct, and reflexes, such as swallowing and sucking, are forming.
Baby Size in the Second Trimester
Week 13: Wallet (6.7 cm)
At 13 weeks, the baby measures approximately 6.7 cm, comparable to the size of a wallet. During this time, the baby's bones are hardening, and it can make gentle movements, although they may not yet be felt by the mother.
Week 14: Coffee Mug (14.7 cm)
At week 14, your baby has grown to about 14.7 cm, similar to the height of a coffee mug. The baby is now able to squint and frown.
Week 15: Notebook (16.7 cm)
By week 15, your baby is around 16.7 cm, akin to the size of a notebook. The baby's taste buds are developing, and it can sense light and darkness.
Week 16: Book (18.6 cm)
At 16 weeks, your baby measures approximately 18.6 cm, comparable to the length of a book. Fine hair, known as lanugo, begins to cover the baby's body, keeping it warm in the amniotic fluid.
Week 17: Dinner Plate (20.4 cm)
By week 17, your baby has grown to about 20.4 cm, similar in size to a dinner plate. The baby's hearing is developing, and it can now recognize your voice and other familiar sounds.
Week 18: Flower Pot (22.2 cm)
At 18 weeks, your baby is around 22.2 cm, akin to the height of a flower pot. The baby is becoming more active, with noticeable kicks and somersaults.
Week 19: Medium-Sized Cutting Board (24.0 cm)
By week 19, your baby measures approximately 24.0 cm, comparable to a medium-sized cutting board. At this stage, the baby can hiccup, and its sensory organs are becoming more refined.
Week 20: Computer Keyboard (25.7 cm)
At 20 weeks, your baby has grown to about 25.7 cm, similar in size to a computer keyboard. The baby's movements are more pronounced, and you might start feeling gentle kicks and flutters.
Week 21: Sketchbook (27.4 cm)
By week 21, your baby is around 27.4 cm, akin to the size of a sketchbook. The baby's eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed, and its grasp reflex is developing.
Week 22: Magazine (29.0 cm)
At 22 weeks, your baby measures approximately 29.0 cm, comparable to the length of a magazine. The baby's lungs are maturing, preparing for the first breath after birth.
Week 23: Shoebox (30.6 cm)
By week 23, your baby has grown to about 30.6 cm, similar in size to a shoebox. The baby's sense of movement and balance is improving, and it responds to external stimuli, such as light and sound.
Week 24: Wooden Ruler (32.2 cm)
At 24 weeks, your baby is around 32.2 cm, akin to the length of a wooden ruler. The baby's skin is becoming less wrinkled as it accumulates more fat beneath it.
Week 25: Compact Umbrella (33.7 cm)
By week 25, your baby measures approximately 33.7 cm, comparable to the size of a compact umbrella. The baby's lungs are continuing to mature, and it's practicing breathing motions in preparation for life outside the womb.
Week 26: Kitchen Wall Clock (35.1 cm)
At week 26, your baby is approximately 35.1 cm, comparable to the size of a kitchen wall clock. During this time, the baby's eyes are beginning to open, and it can now respond to light and sound.
Week 27: Compact Hair Dryer (36.6 cm)
By week 27, your baby measures around 36.6 cm, similar in size to a compact electric fan. The baby's lungs are rapidly developing, and it can now inhale and exhale amniotic fluid in preparation for breathing air.
Baby Size in the Third Trimester
Week 28: Drawer Organizer (37.6 cm)
At 28 weeks, your baby is about 37.6 cm, akin to the size of a drawer organizer. During this period, the baby's senses are becoming more acute, and it can taste the foods you eat through the amniotic fluid.
Week 29: Mirror (39.3 cm)
By week 29, your baby measures approximately 39.3 cm, comparable to the length of a mirror. The baby's brain is developing rapidly, forming billions of neurons and intricate neural connections.
Week 30: Bicycle Helmet (40.5 cm)
At 30 weeks, your baby is around 40.5 cm, similar in size to a bicycle helmet. The baby's bones are hardening, and it is gaining more control over its movements.
Week 31: Classic Vinyl Record (41.8 cm)
By week 31, your baby measures about 41.8 cm, akin to the size of a classic vinyl record. The baby's immune system is strengthening, and it is now capable of regulating its body temperature.
Week 32: Kitchen Rolling Pin (43.0 cm)
At 32 weeks, your baby is approximately 43.0 cm, comparable to the length of a kitchen rolling pin. The baby's fingernails and toenails are fully formed, and it is gaining more body fat for insulation.
Week 33: Hardcover Photo Album (44.1 cm)
By week 33, your baby measures around 44.1 cm, similar in size to a hardcover photo album. The baby's lungs are maturing, and it is practicing breathing motions in preparation for its first breath.
Week 34: Compact Fan (45.3 cm)
At 34 weeks, your baby is about 45.3 cm, akin to the size of a compact fan. The baby's hearing is fully developed, and it can now recognize and respond to familiar voices, including yours.
Week 35: Compact Mixer (46.3 cm)
By week 35, your baby measures approximately 46.3 cm, comparable to the size of a compact mixer. The baby's skin is becoming smoother as it continues to accumulate fat beneath it.
Week 36: Medium-Sized Toolbox (47.3 cm)
At 36 weeks, your baby is around 47.3 cm, similar in size to a medium-sized toolbox. The baby's organs are functioning independently, and it is positioning itself for birth.
Week 37: Compact Vacuum Cleaner (48.3 cm)
By week 37, your baby measures about 48.3 cm, akin to the size of a compact vacuum cleaner. The baby's liver and kidneys are fully functional, helping to process waste products.
Week 38: Compact Exercise Stepper (49.3 cm)
At 38 weeks, your baby is approximately 49.3 cm, comparable to the size of a compact exercise stepper. The baby's skull bones are not yet fused, allowing for easier passage through the birth canal.
Week 39: Large Board Game (50.1 cm)
By week 39, your baby measures around 50.1 cm, similar in size to a large board game. The baby's body is plumping up, and it is ready for life outside the womb.
Week 40: Backpack (51.0 cm)
At 40 weeks, your baby is about 51.0 cm, akin to the size of a backpack. This is considered full term, and your baby is prepared for delivery.
Week 41: Beach Ball (51.8 cm)
By week 41, your baby measures approximately 51.8 cm, comparable to the size of a beach ball. If you haven’t already, you can expect to welcome your little one into the world very soon.
These comparisons serve as a reminder of the incredible journey your baby has undertaken – from the size of a pinhead to a beach ball – each week marked by significant development and preparation for life outside the womb. As you eagerly anticipate your baby's arrival, take comfort in knowing that your little one is growing, thriving, and getting ready to join you in the world.