Fetal Size by Week: A Comprehensive Guide to Your Baby's Growth

Reviewed by: HiMommy Expert Board
5 min read
Mar 28, 2025
Pregnancy is a miraculous journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and curiosity about your baby's growth and development. One of the most fascinating aspects of pregnancy is watching your baby grow and change week by week. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to fetal size by week, including length and weight measurements, to help you better understand your baby's development.
8 Weeks:
At 8 weeks gestation, your baby is about 1.57 cm (0.62 inches) in length from head to bottom and weighs approximately 20 grams (0.71 ounces). This is a crucial stage of development, as your baby's organs begin to form.
9 Weeks:
By 9 weeks, your baby has grown to around 2.30 cm (0.91 inches) in length and weighs about 27 grams (0.95 ounces). The baby's facial features are starting to take shape, and their limbs continue to develop.
10 Weeks:
At 10 weeks, your baby measures about 3.1 cm (1.22 inches) in length and weighs approximately 35 grams (1.23 ounces). Your baby's fingers and toes are now fully formed, and they are starting to move around.
11 Weeks:
By 11 weeks, your baby is about 4.1 cm (1.61 inches) in length and weighs around 45 grams (1.59 ounces). The baby's head is now more proportional to their body, and their hair and nails begin to grow.
12 Weeks:
At 12 weeks, your baby measures approximately 5.4 cm (2.13 inches) in length and weighs about 58 grams (2.05 ounces). The baby's internal organs are continuing to develop, and their bones are starting to harden.
13 Weeks:
By 13 weeks, your baby has grown to around 6.7 cm (2.64 inches) in length and weighs about 73 grams (2.58 ounces). Their unique fingerprints are now forming, and they are starting to practice swallowing and sucking.
14 Weeks (head to toe):
At 14 weeks, your baby measures about 14.7 cm (5.79 inches) in length from head to toe and weighs approximately 93 grams (3.28 ounces). The baby's facial features are more defined, and their movements are becoming more coordinated.
15 Weeks (head to toe):
At 15 weeks, your baby measures about 16.7 cm (6.57 inches) in length from head to toe and weighs approximately 117 grams (4.13 ounces). Your baby's skin is now developing, and they may begin to hiccup, although you likely won't feel it yet.
16 Weeks (head to toe):
By 16 weeks, your baby is around 18.6 cm (7.32 inches) in length and weighs about 146 grams (5.15 ounces). Your baby's eyes can now move, and they may start to respond to sounds and light.
17 Weeks (head to toe):
At 17 weeks, your baby measures approximately 20.4 cm (8.03 inches) in length and weighs around 181 grams (6.38 ounces). Their sense of touch is developing, and they might be able to feel their face and surroundings.
18 Weeks (head to toe):
By 18 weeks, your baby has grown to around 22.2 cm (8.74 inches) in length and weighs about 223 grams (7.87 ounces). The baby's ears are now positioned correctly, and they can hear your voice and heartbeat
19 Weeks (head to toe):
At 19 weeks, your baby measures approximately 24.0 cm (9.45 inches) in length and weighs around 273 grams (9.63 ounces). The baby's limbs continue to grow, and they may start to suck their thumb or swallow amniotic fluid.
20 Weeks (head to toe):
By 20 weeks, your baby is around 25.7 cm (10.12 inches) in length and weighs about 331 grams (11.68 ounces). This is the halfway point of your pregnancy, and your baby's skin is covered in a protective substance called vernix caseosa.
21 Weeks (head to toe):
At 21 weeks, your baby measures approximately 27.4 cm (10.79 inches) in length and weighs around 399 grams (14.07 ounces). Your baby's movements may become more noticeable, and their taste buds are starting to develop.
22 Weeks (head to toe):
By 22 weeks, your baby has grown to around 29.0 cm (11.42 inches) in length and weighs about 478 grams (1.05 pounds). The baby's lungs are developing, and they may start to practice breathing movements.
23 Weeks (head to toe):
At 23 weeks, your baby measures approximately 30.6 cm (12.05 inches) in length and weighs around 568 grams (1.25 pounds). The baby's bones continue to grow, and they can now sense light and dark.
24 Weeks (head to toe):
By 24 weeks, your baby is around 32.2 cm (12.68 inches) in length and weighs about 670 grams (1.48 pounds). The baby's brain is rapidly developing, and their sense of hearing is improving.
25 Weeks (head to toe):
At 25 weeks, your baby measures approximately 33.7 cm (13.27 inches) in length and weighs around 785 grams (1.73 pounds). The baby's nervous system is maturing, and their sleep patterns may begin to resemble those of a newborn.
26 Weeks (head to toe):
By 26 weeks, your baby has grown to around 35.1 cm (13.82 inches) in length and weighs about 913 grams (2.01 pounds). The baby's eyes are now fully developed, and they can open and close.
27 Weeks (head to toe):
At 27 weeks, your baby measures approximately 36.6 cm (14.41 inches) in length and weighs around 1055 grams (2.33 pounds). The baby's lungs and brain continue to develop, preparing for life outside the womb.
28 Weeks (head to toe):
By 28 weeks, your baby is around 37.6 cm (14.80 inches) in length and weighs about 1210 grams (2.67 pounds). The baby's eyesight is developing, and they can blink and respond to light. The baby's body is also starting to accumulate fat to help regulate body temperature after birth.
29 Weeks (head to toe):
At 29 weeks, your baby measures approximately 39.3 cm (15.47 inches) in length and weighs around 1379 grams (3.04 pounds). The baby's muscles and lungs continue to mature, and their head is growing to accommodate their developing brain.
30 Weeks (head to toe):
By 30 weeks, your baby is around 40.5 cm (15.95 inches) long and weighs about 1559 grams (3.44 pounds). The baby's skin is becoming smoother as they gain more fat, and their hair continues to grow.
31 Weeks (head to toe):
At 31 weeks, your baby measures approximately 41.8 cm (16.46 inches) in length and weighs around 1751 grams (3.86 pounds). The baby's brain is rapidly developing, and their senses of taste and smell are becoming more refined.
32 Weeks (head to toe):
By 32 weeks, your baby is about 43.0 cm (16.93 inches) long and weighs about 1953 grams (4.30 pounds). The baby's bones are hardening, and their immune system is starting to develop.
33 Weeks (head to toe):
At 33 weeks, your baby measures around 44.1 cm (17.36 inches) in length and weighs around 2162 grams (4.77 pounds). The baby's lungs are almost fully developed, and they may start to practice breathing movements.
34 Weeks (head to toe):
By 34 weeks, your baby is about 45.3 cm (17.84 inches) long and weighs about 2377 grams (5.24 pounds). The baby's central nervous system is continuing to mature, and their skin is becoming less transparent as they gain more fat.
35 Weeks (head to toe):
At 35 weeks, your baby measures approximately 46.3 cm (18.23 inches) in length and weighs around 2595 grams (5.72 pounds). The baby's kidneys are fully developed, and their liver can process some waste products.
36 Weeks (head to toe):
By 36 weeks, your baby is around 47.3 cm (18.62 inches) long and weighs about 2813 grams (6.20 pounds). The baby's lungs and brain continue to mature, and their immune system is becoming stronger in preparation for birth.
37 Weeks (head to toe):
At 37 weeks, your baby measures approximately 48.3 cm (19.02 inches) in length and weighs around 3028 grams (6.68 pounds). The baby is considered full-term at this stage, and their organs are ready to function outside the womb. The baby's hearing is also fully developed.
38 Weeks (head to toe):
By 38 weeks, your baby is about 49.3 cm (19.41 inches) long and weighs about 3236 grams (7.13 pounds). The baby's lungs are usually fully mature, and they continue to accumulate fat to help regulate their body temperature after birth.
39 Weeks (head to toe):
At 39 weeks, your baby measures around 50.1 cm (19.72 inches) in length and weighs approximately 3435 grams (7.57 pounds). The baby's digestive system has matured, and they're ready to start processing breast milk or formula once they're born.
40 Weeks (head to toe):
By 40 weeks, your baby is about 51.0 cm (20.08 inches) long and weighs around 3619 grams (7.98 pounds). This is considered the end of the full-term range, and your baby is fully developed and ready for birth. The baby's skin is smooth, and their limbs are plump due to the accumulation of fat.
Keep in mind that these measurements are just averages, and each baby develops at their own pace. It's essential to consult your healthcare provider for personalized information about your baby's development and well-being throughout your pregnancy.
If you're interested in learning more about your baby's growth and development, it's important to note that while the 40-week mark is the average length of a full-term pregnancy, some babies may be born slightly earlier or later than this point. Regardless, it's essential to attend regular prenatal checkups and communicate any concerns with your healthcare provider.
During the final weeks of pregnancy, your baby's movements may change as they begin to settle into a head-down position, preparing for birth. You may notice more rolling and stretching movements rather than sharp kicks. It's important to continue monitoring your baby's movements and report any changes to your healthcare provider.
While your baby's physical development is nearing completion by week 40, their emotional and cognitive development will continue throughout infancy and beyond. Establishing a strong bond with your baby, providing a stimulating environment, and offering ample opportunities for learning and growth will help support their development throughout their early years.
In summary, your baby will experience remarkable growth throughout your pregnancy, transforming from a tiny embryo to a fully developed infant. By understanding the average fetal size by week, you can better appreciate the incredible journey your baby undergoes as they develop in the womb. As always, consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and support throughout your pregnancy.