How does the beginning of pregnancy look like?

Reviewed by: HiMommy Expert Board
5 min read
Mar 27, 2025
Are you at the stage when you are trying for a baby and wondering what will happen when you see two bands on a pregnancy test? Would you like to know which pregnancy symptoms appear immediately, in the first pregnancy trimester?
For future mums, the beginning of the pregnancy can be beautiful, but at the same time, difficult or stressful. All the more reason to learn what to expect, and which changes in the woman’s body are normal, and when you should worry.
What is understood as the beginning of pregnancy?
Are you wondering which date is assumed as the beginning of pregnancy? Contrary to what would seem most obvious, actually, it is not a day on which the baby is conceived.
The first day of the pregnancy is understood as the first day of your last period. From this date, the forecast due date is calculated, and this date is usually entered into pregnancy applications or calculators, plenty of which is available online.
How does conception occur?
Before we go to the first signs of pregnancy, let’s start with the moment at which everything begins, i.e., the conception. Although this process may seem simple, involving fusion of gametes from a woman and a man, the actual situation is quite different.
The conception occurs in consequence of insemination during ejaculation, being a part of a sexual intercourse. The sperm “journey” starts in the vagina, and then goes through the cervical canal, the uterine cavity, up to the fallopian tube. When the fertilisation occurs, a zygote is created. The embryo and the placenta are formed from its parts.
For the conception to occur, several criteria need to be met. First, it must take place at a specific place and time. Some future mums even say that is very unfair, because men are nearly always ready to “pass” their genes on. Women, on the other hand, are restricted by their menstrual cycle and thus the conception can actually occur only within 3 to 4 days in each cycle.
Causes of problems with getting pregnant
Sometimes, even though you want to become pregnant very much, months are passing, and you still do not see those two so much desired bands on the pregnancy test... What should you do then? And actually, what may cause problems with getting pregnant...?
Before we discuss causes of this situation, two terms should be distinguished: “infertility and “standard” trying for a baby. We talk about infertility only when the couple does not get pregnant after a year of having intercourses without using contraception. Infertility is a disease of civilisation and, unfortunately, occurs increasingly often. According to the statistics, even as many as 20% of couples in Poland may experience infertility. In other words, every fifth couple is ineffectively trying for a baby for over a year.
The other couples get pregnant after a shorter time, and this is very encouraging. Only every third couple sees two bands on the pregnancy test during the first cycle. However, you should know that even when several cycles have passed and you are still not pregnant, this does not have to mean anything bad. Sometimes, it may be stress, exhaustion or pressure of people around you that causes transient problems with conceiving.
Infertility is not the same thing as sterility! Infertility can be treated, and sometimes only a little is needed to get pregnant!
How long after a positive pregnancy test should you see a gynaecologist?
You did the pregnancy test, saw the two bands, and if you could you would immediately go to the gynaecologist to confirm your pregnancy? Remember that foetal heartbeat is not visible in the ultrasound scan on the first day or in the first week of pregnancy!
Of course, choosing a doctor to look after you is a very important thing and you should consider this sufficiently in advance. You also should arrange your visit to the gynaecologist earlier, preferably, immediately after doing the pregnancy test. The date of the visit should be arranged between the 6th and the 8th pregnancy week, i.e., about 2–4 weeks after your last period. You should not delay this, because by the 10th pregnancy week you should have you maternity notes set and have all required blood and urine tests performed.
Maternity notes as the most important “document” of a pregnant woman
As we have already mentioned, it is very important to set the maternity notes as soon as possible. It is related to several aspects.
- If you want to receive a one-time benefit for giving birth to a baby (a newborn allowance), you should have your maternity notes started by the 10th pregnancy week. One of the conditions for receiving this allowance is being covered by a gynaecologist care from the tenth pregnancy week at the latest until labour.
- The maternity notes contain all most important information about the future mum, including her basic details and the course of her pregnancy, results of tests and examinations, and a medical history.
- The maternity notes should be as important to you as, e.g., your identification document. You never know when it may be necessary to go to a hospital or see a doctor urgently. You should have that document always on you, to be able to show it to medical personnel whenever necessary.
First signs of pregnancy - do you know all of them?
Some early signs of pregnancy are well known - and not only to pregnant women. But not all of them are sufficiently common to be immediately “associated” with pregnancy.
Even if you think that you know all early signs of pregnancy, read our list and check if nothing has surprised you!
No menstruation
Let's begin with what it is most obvious! The lack of menstruation is frequently the first of early pregnancy signs that occurs in the majority of women.
Of course, the lack of period does not always mean pregnancy. On the other hand, sometimes although the pregnancy test does not show those two desired bands on a day of the expected period, you are already pregnant!
So what is the earliest date when you can learn that you are carrying a baby under your heart? The best thing is to have the Beta-hCG level test performed. The result of this test will show you whether you are pregnant earlier than the pregnancy test.
Changes in genitalia.
Although there is no period, you do not expect it to appear, because you see thick mucus, as it is always the case before the period? In consequence of loosening of the cervix, the mucus may look relatively “standard”, but its greater quantity may be unusual.
Furthermore, you can observe a bluish colour of your vagina, which does not occur before a period.
Abdominal pain
Does your belly ache and you feel delicate contractions? It may be a signal that your period is approaching, but it is also one of the first signs of pregnancy!
If you have already confirmed your pregnancy, congratulations! The abdominal pain at the beginning of pregnancy is usually caused by a rapid expansion of the uterus. It is most dynamic in the first weeks of pregnancy. Abdominal pain is a normal sign and you do not have to worry. If it is not accompanied by additional signs, e.g. strong bleeding, it does not pose a threat to your baby.
Headache, similarly as the abdominal pain, is a completely normal thing in a pregnant woman. It is caused by the fact that now nutrients consumed by the future mum begin to be a source of nutrients for her baby. In consequence, her blood pressure drops and headache, or in its extreme form, syncope episodes, are an obvious result of this situation.
Headache remedies in the first pregnancy trimester
Both in first weeks, and at the later pregnancy stage you can (and even should) try to combat headaches using natural remedies. They include warm (but, what is important, NOT hot) baths, massages of temples, yoga, or cold compresses on temples.
What should you do if headaches do not resolve despite using the above methods? You should consult the doctor looking after your pregnancy.
Remember not to take any medicines, particularly during this special time, without consulting a doctor! Many medicines are forbidden during pregnancy, because they pose an enormous risk, both to the future mum, and to her baby.
If you suffer from headaches during first pregnancy weeks, it is highly probable that you also have (or will have) to cope with dizziness.
Fortunately, there are several proven methods for handling also this early pregnancy sign. One of the best ways is changing your position while resting (when dizziness appears at that time). You should preferably always lie on your left side or, possibly, on your back. In those positions you effectively relieve the pressure on the vena cava. What if dizziness occurs when you are active? It may also be caused by a sudden drop in blood glucose levels. Then eating something sweet may be enough for your mood to improve, and the symptoms to resolve.
Feeling sleepy
Do you know this feeling, when you have just got up, but you would love to go back to bed? Sleepiness is something well known to most of the future mums. It occurs mainly in the first pregnancy trimester, although certain women complain of increased sleepiness throughout nine months.
What can you do to eliminate this early pregnancy sign? You should try to spend a lot of time outdoors. Physical activity is also something that should help to chase sleepiness away. This pregnancy sign may also be caused by an incorrect diet of the future mum. If you eat too much products containing simple sugars, a large insulin surge occurs, and this usually results in the increased sleepiness.
It is one of those least pleasant, though also most obvious signs of an early pregnancy. Only in rare cases, future mums do not suffer from this ailment!
Vomiting is very onerous and can significantly complicate your daily life. Some pregnant women are not able to go to work or even do their household chores at this time.
Is there any medicine for this ailment? The majority of doctors say that the only thing that works for it is time... Vomiting usually resolves spontaneously after 13th to 14th pregnancy week. Of course, there are some products acting as antiemetics. However, their effectiveness is insufficient to confirm that they will work for you.
A few, or even several days without passing stool... It is not very pleasant, is it? Unfortunately, it is one of the first signs of pregnancy.
Is it possible to prevent constipation during pregnancy? Fortunately, there are several methods. You should stick to a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, wholemeal bread, or grouts and rice. Those products have properties facilitating passing of stool. They are also very healthy and valuable, and all the more they should be eaten by future mums. And not only during problems with constipation, but every day!
Mood swings
One day you are euphoric, and on the other you feel like you are depressed. Mood swings are an early pregnancy sign, frequently occurring even before you do the pregnancy test, that is, already in 4th–5th pregnancy week.
They can be difficult to cope with, not only for the future mum, but also, frequently even more so, for people around her. Unfortunately, they continue throughout pregnancy, and while first signs of pregnancy can resolve soon after the end of the first trimester, mood swings may remain with you until labour.
Breast tenderness
Breast pain and tenderness also belong to first signs of pregnancy, appearing at a very early stage. The changes occurring in the body of the future mum at that time are so dynamic that this sign is completely natural and physiological.
If you also develop breast pain or tenderness, pay particular attention especially to getting comfortable, soft bras made of delicate materials. They should make you feel much better.
Early pregnancy signs - when can you expect them?
When do the first signs of pregnancy develop? It is a very individual issue and rarely, even in the same woman during successive pregnancies, they occur at the same time.
The time at which first signs of pregnancy develop, is a total mystery. However, it is clearly noticeable that in the first pregnancy trimester they are most abundant and usually resolve with the end of the third month.
Ectopic pregnancy - what is it and when it occurs?
The ectopic pregnancy occurs when the egg implants outside of the uterus. In consequence, the embryo cannot develop normally. In extreme cases, the ectopic pregnancy may lead to woman’s death, so if you have justified suspicions that this may be the case, see your gynaecologist immediately.
Signs of physiological and of ectopic pregnancy - comparison
Would like to know how to recognise signs of the ectopic pregnancy and how they differ from the signs of physiological pregnancy?
It is said that the ectopic pregnancy can be recognised mainly due to a characteristic abdominal pain on one side. Actually, at the beginning of pregnancy, usually none of the signs described by us occur. Only after some time, the woman may feel abdominal pain (on one side), suffer from bleeding, or have problems with breathing.
The ectopic pregnancy usually ends with miscarriage, but without medical intervention, it can be dangerous for the woman. For this reason, you should be particularly vigilant!
Pregnancy application as a compendium of knowledge about pregnancy
Are you looking for a proven source of knowledge about pregnancy? Do you want to know how, week by week, your baby develops? Install the HiMommy pregnancy application and stay tuned!
During (even early) pregnancy, many things happen in the woman’s body. It is the only such unique time in her life, when she is happy with theoretically negative symptoms. Remember that you can install the application at any stage of pregnancy. Just enter several necessary details to get reliable information about your pregnancy every day.
Think how fantastic it would be to monitor the development of your baby, and learn new things about it every day... However... You do not have to think about this anymore - just download the HiMommy application. Then this will definitely be possible!