Learn when you start to feel baby’s movements and how to recognise them

Have you already felt first baby’s movements or are you still waiting for them? Certainly, it is one of the most exciting moments during pregnancy.
However, although nearly every future mum waits for them impatiently, sometimes you do not know “this is it” for quite a long time!
How can you recognise the baby’s movements in your belly? Do the first baby’s movements always “look” the same? Our entry will tell you how to recognise and stimulate your baby’s movements, and when you have a chance to feel them.

First baby’s movements - when can you expect them?

The time you feel baby’s movements in your belly depends on many factors. They include, for example, mother’s weight and which her pregnancy it is. Regardless of the above factors, the first foetal movements usually resemble “fluttering” or bubbling in the mum’s belly.
Of course, with the pregnancy progress, and thus, with the baby’s growth, the movements become increasingly stronger and reach their maximum intensity between 30th and 32nd pregnancy week. Then, the baby in the belly becomes so big that it does not move so rapidly, because there is not enough space for it.

First baby’s movements and the mum’s weight

As we have already mentioned, the mum’s weight has a great influence on the moment when she feels first movements of her baby. Usually, the slimmer the woman is, the earlier she experiences them. Of course, we cannot talk about exactly the same time here. However, it is assumed that very slim future mums feel baby’s movements in the belly already in the 16th to 18th pregnancy week.

First baby’s movements and the number of pregnancies

In general, a primigravida feels first movements of her baby later than the woman for whom it is not the first pregnancy. It is not associated with the physiology, but with the fact that a future mum knows better what to expect during successive pregnancies. Thus, when she knows how first movements of the baby in the belly feel like, it is easier for her to identify them again.

First baby’s movements - when can they be expected in a primigravida?

You are pregnant for the first time and impatiently wait for the first movements of your baby? Usually, they begin to be noticeable around the middle of pregnancy, that is, about the 20th pregnancy week, but it can also be quite well around the 23rd pregnancy week. Of course, you should not expect strong kicks of your baby then. Baby’s movements rather resemble pouring or bubbling of stomach’s contents.
Concluding, the baby’s movements can be felt in the fifth pregnancy month. Of course, they are subtle at the beginning. The strongest ones, on the other hand, are felt by the end of the seventh month, while at the end of the pregnancy the baby moves less, because there not enough space in the belly.

First baby’s movements felt by mothers during successive pregnancies

Have you already given birth once, and now you are expecting another baby? Congratulations! With your previous experience, you will probably feel the first baby’s movements already in the 15th or 16th pregnancy week. It is even one month earlier than in a primigravida!
Remember, however, that more factors than just the number of pregnancies influence the week in which the baby’s movements can be felt. Therefore, do not worry if you do not experience foetal movements already at this stage.

Should you feel baby’s movements around the same time in all pregnancies?

We hope that after reading this text this far you already know that all these aspects are an individual issue, and although there are some rules, nothing is 100% certain.

When can Dad also feel the first movements of the baby?

Are you wondering when your partner or other people close to you will also be able to feel first movements of your baby? First, we want to warn you that usually it is much later. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you the precise pregnancy week or month.
Frequently, it happens that people close to you can see the baby’s movements before they can actually feel them by placing the hand on your belly! They can be clearly visible already in the 30th pregnancy week. The baby is kicking intensely, and your belly is actually rippling.
Then nobody should have any doubts that the new life “inhabits” your belly, and soon will appear on its other side! Many future mums document these moments, recording visible baby’s movements. It is an excellent keepsake, to which you will return in the future!

Counting baby’s movements - is this necessary?

If you open any website concerning counting of baby’s movements, you will certainly learn that it is an excellent method to estimate its condition and/or health. Of course, this statement is true, but it should also be added that you do not have to do it in all cases. Additionally, you definitely do not have to count baby’s movements from the very beginning, as soon as you start feeling them.

When should you start counting baby’s movements?

As we have already said, counting foetal movements is not obligatory for all future mums.
The doctor that looks after you will definitely tell you, if this is required. Usually, this is necessary when pregnancy does not proceed according to its normal physiological course, or when the future mum reports that her baby is not very active. You should also count baby’s movements when your due date has already passed, and there are still no signs that your baby is about to arrive (even when the pregnancy proceeded normally).
In such cases, is it necessary to count baby’s movements from the first weeks you feel them? Usually, no. Counting the baby’s movements will be most reliable when they are easier to recognise and more regular. Usually, it is in the sixth pregnancy month. At this stage, you should feel very well all acrobatics of your baby, regardless of their intensity.

How should you count the baby’s movements?

Do you have indications for counting baby’s movements? Have you reached the pregnancy week in which they are quite noticeable and you can identify them easily?
Great! So now it is time to learn how to count the baby’s movements! It is not as difficult as it may seem. Below, you will find some useful tips how, step-by-step, count the foetal movements.
Start with finding a comfortable position, preferably, on your left side.
Take your telephone or a piece of paper, to record all foetal movements (good pregnancy applications also have this functionality). What is important, you should record all, even the weakest movements.
Such measurements should last at least one hour. During that time you will probably feel at least 10 movements of your baby, though in the case of a more active baby, there can be much more of them, and it is nothing wrong about that!


Remember that you do not have to count baby’s movements 24 hours a day! It is enough to do this twice or thrice a day. You can record the results on a piece of paper or in a pregnancy application on your telephone.

What should you do when you feel fewer movements than expected?

Let’s assume that you regularly monitor your baby’s movements and in 99% of the cases, their intensity is normal. However, a measurement occurred when you felt fewer foetal movements than usually. What should you do then?
To exclude a situation when you should consult a gynaecologist, try to repeat the measurement after you had something light (preferably sweet) to eat. Your baby should be more stimulated by increased glucose levels.
However, if nothing changes, consult the doctor in charge of your case immediately. If it is not possible, go to a hospital (especially, when you have not felt foetal movements for several hours, while previously your baby used to be very active at that time).
After you arrive to the gynaecologist or the hospital, you will definitely have the CTG and/or ultrasound scan performed. Everything depends on your specific situation.

The kicks counter as one of functionalities of good pregnancy applications

Do you need to regularly count movements of your baby? Do you feel uneasy and want to have your finger on the pulse, and know that everything is alright?
Good pregnancy applications, like HiMommy, are usually provided with a very useful function, i.e., a kicks and contractions counter. Using it, you get something priceless for the future mum - peace of mind when it comes to your baby.
The kicks counter is an excellent solution to evaluate foetal movements. You can use it regardless of which pregnancy week it is (although, as we have already said, you usually start about the sixth month).

Test HiMommy and keep your pregnancy diary!

The HiMommy pregnancy application, apart from containing the contractions and kick counter, as you already know, also offers you much more possibilities.
It contains a detailed description of each pregnancy week, so you get comprehensive information about your baby. Additionally, you get access to very useful functions, like, for example, layette or diet lists. This way, the pregnant woman has access to comprehensive knowledge about the state of her baby and herself as a future mum.

Install HiMommy and see that it is the pregnancy application worth having on your mobile!