Photo Bump photos

Week-by-week photos of your pregnancy are a great way to capture your growing baby and the amazing changes your body goes through.

If you’re going to capture the changes, let’s make sure you know how to take some amazing pictures.

Here’s some important tips on how to take beautiful week-by-week pregnancy photos.

  1. Find best background and light

We recommended finding a simple background with a clean wall. Try a spot near a window, and take these pictures during daytime for the best outcome.

2. What to wear

Find your favorite clothes. If you are planning to wear the same outfit, make sure you pick a look that can be worn from early pregnancy all the way until those last days.

3. Ask someone for photo

You can put your camera on the tripod. But we recommended asking someone to help you with that.

4. Strike a pose.

Thanks to HiMommy bump pic, you don’t have to worry about striking a pose for the photo. Direct the line at yourself before taking the photo. And take a photo.

5. Be systematic

Will be amazing to take a photo every week. If you think you will forget about it, we recommend setting an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to take each one.